Leave for the 2,000 firemen battling forest fires in five States has been frozen

Leave for the 2,000 firemen battling forest fires in five States has beenfrozen

26February 2005

publishedby New Straits Time

KUALA LUMPUR. The Housing and Local Government Ministry has also put firemen on round-the-clock shifts, including those involved in putting out the fire in the Raja Muda Forest Reserve, Selangor.

Minister Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting said fire stations near the other forest hotspots were also on 24- hour shifts.

“These steps were taken to ensure that firefighters can give their best in putting out the fires,” he said after a party briefing for MCA grassroots leaders here.

He said the severity of the fires had prompted the Fire and Rescue Department to put its men on longer shifts. 

According to statistics given by the ministry, firemen have controlled fires in 6,747ha out of 9,177ha that had caught fire.

Source: New Straits Time http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Sunday/National/20050227083045/Article/indexb_html


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