The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC)
The International Association of Fire Chiefs(IAFC) Expanding Wildland Fire 2005 Partnership. Local Fire Service Critical toStrong Collaboration on Wildland Urban Interface Dangers
7 January 2005
publishedby IAFC
Fairfax, Virginia, 7 January 2005. The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) announced that the National Association of State Foresters will join the IAFC, the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Department of the Interior as an official co-sponsor of the National Fire Plan Conference and Wildland Fire 2005, to be held in Albuquerque, NM on February 16-18, 2005.
Wildland Fire 2005 represents an unprecedented coalition of local, state and federal wildland fire prevention and response personnel. “Each fire service agency – be it a local fire department, state forestry or a federal department – has a critical role to play in protecting the nation’s communities from wildland fire,” said Chief Tom Kuntz of Red Lodge, Mont., and chair of the IAFC Wildland Fire Policy Committee. “This is an issue that none of us can tackle alone, and it is imperative that we come together at this conference to understand the knowledge and resources that each of us bring to the table.”
“We are exceptionally proud that the National Association of State Foresters has formalized their participation in this conference,” said Chief Robert DiPoli, IAFC president. “They have championed the importance of local fire service in the national dialogue on wildland fire, and they have been instrumental in past success of the conference.” “The National Association of State Foresters is pleased to cosponsor this important conference. We commend the IAFC for its leadership in organizing the conference and for pulling together the federal, state, and local fire services to jointly find ways to more effectively protect our rural communities from the dangers of wildfire,” said Pat McElroy, President of NASF and State Forester of Washington.
The IAFC calls upon members to demonstrate leadership at the local level to prepare and educate communities on this international threat of wildland fire. “This conference is not just talking about the importance of collaboration on wildland fire, it is about walking the walk,” said DiPoli. “This is an opportunity to roll up our sleeves together and take back home the relationships and tools that will help us protect our communities.”
Last year’s conference drew 85 exhibiting companies, 108 poster displays and 1,100 attendees. For full conference information and to register, visit:
New – General Sessions at Wildland Fire
A Season of Firsts in the Last Frontier: The 2004 Alaskan Fire Season
Alaska experienced a record breaking 2004 fire season which burned 6 ¾ million acres during an extended period of limited precipitation and record high temperatures. The season tested significant facets of the wildland fire community in Alaska. The unique all-ownership Alaska Fire Management Plan played a significant role in directing fire suppression strategies nd resulted in safe and cost effective suppression. Both the extent and the intensity of the fire season required significant involvement and collaboration with local fire services and local communities. Local fire services throughout Alaska provided significant support and in turn were given an opportunity for valuable training and experience.
Jeff Jahnke, State Forester, Alaska State Forester
Eight Steps to Done and Done Right: A Blueprint of Operational Effectiveness
Establishing and improving wildland fire operations typically calls on a common path — training. As a result technical expertise is high. However training is only one of the factors contributing to operational effectiveness. The other factors, or solutions, that influence operational effectiveness are often neglected. Consistently achieving operational effectiveness requires crews leverage all the “critical performance factors” influencing successful operations — not just training and technical expertise. These high-leverage solutions are typically applied prior to a wildland fire incident and are provided at a lower cost than training. This general session examines all eight factors that will create a blueprint of operational effectiveness.
Timothy Emerson LaMacchio, Summit Performance Strategies