Group Seeks Halt To Salvage Logging At Biscuit Fire

Group Seeks Halt To Salvage Logging At Biscuit Fire

7January 2005


GRANTS PASS, Ore. — An environmental group has asked a judge to halt salvage logging within the area burned by the 2002 Biscuit fire.

It cites evidence that the U.S. Forest Service allowed hundreds of trees to be cut in buffer zones intended to protect salmon habitat.

Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics of Eugene seeks a preliminary injunction halting further logging of the Flattop and Briggs/Cedar timber sales on the Siskiyou National Forest in southwestern Oregon.

The motion was based primarily on evidence gathered from the Horse timber sale, the first of the major timber sales to be logged on the Biscuit fire. It has been completely logged. Logging continues on Flattop. Work has not started yet on Briggs/Cedar.

Siskiyou National Forest’s spokeswoman Judy McHugh said the Forest Service does not comment on pending litigation.


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