Russia: Fires in Siberian Tyva Destroy over 110 Hectares of Woodland

Firesin Siberian Tyva Destroy over 110 Hectares of Woodland

published by ITAR-TASSNews Agency, May 5, 2004

ITAR-TASS News Agency, May 5, 2004

By Sergei Temeyev

Kyzyl — Forest fires, which began in Russia’s republic of Tyva late in April,have already destroyed over 110 hectares of woodland, an officer on duty at theregional department for natural resources told Itar-Tass on Wednesday.

Five fire centers are presently registered in the Siberian republic. Four fireshave been put out, and now specialists are combating the blaze in the Tandydistrict, where the fire has engulfed the area of over 20 hectares, the officeron duty said.

According to him, the fire situation this year is not going to be easier than inthe previous year, when the fire destroyed 21,000 hectares of woodland. Thetotal damage amounted to 27 million roubles (over one million dollars) last year.Another six million roubles were spent on putting out the fires.

There are more than seven million hectares of woodland in the Republic of Tyva.Late in April, the republican government allocated 840,000 roubles to thedepartment for natural resources. The money was spent on ploughing up the groundaround power lines, agricultural facilities and villages situated close toforests. Necessary repairs were made on firefighting equipment. Settlements havebeen supplied with fire detection and warning systems.

Most fires are registered in Tyva in May, the time when dry thunders are regularthere and when the local population gathers nuts, wild onions and unossifiedhorns of marals in woods.


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