fires in south africa

South Africa:
Fresh veld fires devour grazing land

(Source: Independent Oline, 28 September  2001

Thousands of hectares of grazing land have been destroyed byveld fires raging through farms and game reserves since Thursday afternoon inthe Alma and Vaalwater areas of the Northern Province.
Vaalwater town council clerk Jacob Diedericks said firemen from surroundingareas, farmers and residents helped to bring the fires under control by theearly hours of Friday.
“Extreme winds increased the difficulty of the situation but things havefinally calmed down. Although there are a few hot spots which need to beextinguished, everything is now under control,” Diedericks said. He saidthe full extent of the fire damage could only be determined later on Friday. Thecause of the fires was unknown.
Northern Province police spokesman Captain Blackie Swart said no humans oranimals had been injured or killed. – Sapa


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