USA: Environmental Terrorism Suspected in Two Northwestern Fires; 25 May
Environmental Terrorism Suspected in Two Northwestern Fires
25 May 2001
Source: Environmental News Service
SEATTLE, Washington, May 25, 2001 (ENS) – Fires that destroyed several buildings in Oregon and Washington states are believed to have been set by arsonists protesting work to genetically modify trees. One of the fires, which were discovered early Monday, destroyed a research laboratory at the University of Washington’s Center for Urban Horticulture. Another fire gutted two buildings and several trucks at Jefferson Poplar Farms, a tree nursery in Clatskanie, Oregon. Local authorities and members of the Federal Bureau of Investigations said they had “strong indications” that the fires may have been set by environmental activists that oppose biotechnological research to modify trees. The University of Washington is involved in some genetic modification research, but no such research is underway at the tree nursery. Authorities found spraypainted messages including “ELF” [Earth Liberation Front] and “You cannot control what is wild” at Jefferson Poplar Farms, the “New York Times” reported. University of Washington provost Lee Huntsman issued a statement condemning the vandalism. “The University of Washington condemns this senseless act of arson that has destroyed decades of scientific inquiry aimed at improving the overall health of urban ecosystems,” Huntsman said. “This misguided act has set back research concerning endangered plants in Washington, rehabilitation of degraded wetlands and even assistance for home gardeners. It is a vicious blow to some very gifted and dedicated faculty and students at the University of Washington.” “We abhor the violence and destructiveness of this act, and the potential risk to human safety. We hope the perpetrators are found and brought to justice,” Huntsman added. “In the meantime, we will begin the process immediately of rebuilding our center and continuing the important work of our faculty and students.”