Airvranes Stay for new Fire Danger

 Aircranes Stay For New Fire Danger
19 March 2002

Unseasonal bushfire dangerconditions have prompted fire authorities to extend the contract of theChristmas 2001 bushfire-fighting helicopters, the Georgia Peach and the IncredibleHulk, for the remainder of the official bushfire season, Emergency ServicesMinister, Bob Debus said today. 
“With anotherstate-wide total fire ban in place for today we’ve extended the contract of theaircrane helicopters to keep them on stand-by in the event of any majorfires,” Mr Debus said.The contract for thehelicopters was due to finish yesterday but has now been extended until March 31- the official end of the bushfire danger period.
“The aircranes were aterrific addition to our firefighting arsenal during the bushfire crisis,responsible for delivering some nine million litres of water mixed with fireretardant at the rate of 45,000 litres per hour.
“Their deployment, inclose coordination with ground based firefighters, was a major contributingfactor in saving hundreds of homes during the emergency. “Fire authoritiesadvise that it is very rare to have such extreme fire conditions – very hightemperatures, low humidity and moderate to strong winds – right across the Stateat this time of year. 
“Having the GeorgiaPeach and Incredible Hulk on stand-by is a bit of extra insurance in the eventof an emergency.” Mr Debus said that Federal and State authorities werecurrently assessing options for improving Australia’s aerial firefightingcapability as part of a National joint proposal on aerial firefightingresources.”Firefighters havebeen battling blazes at Bega Valley, Mulwaree, Tenterfield and Lake Macquarie inwhat only can be described as extraordinary weather conditions.” Mr Debus said that duringthe current bushfire danger period the community is urged to take particularcare and to immediately report any fire or suspicious behaviour to police orfire authorities. “Having recentlylived through one of the worst fire seasons in living memory, I remind thecommunity that it essential to heed Total Fire Ban declarations.”
During a Total Fire Ban nofire of any kind may be lit in the open. This includes incinerators andbarbecues that burn solid fuel, e.g. wood or charcoal. You may use a gas orelectric barbecue, but only if:

  • It is on residentialproperty within 20m of the house or dwelling;
  • It is under the directcontrol of a responsible adult;
  • The ground around thebarbecue is cleared for 3m of all material which could burn;
  • You have a continuoussupply of running water.


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