Forest Fires Around Khabarovsk Easing

Russia: Forest Fires Around Khabarovsk Easing
(ITAR-TASS News Agency, October 27 2001)

ByViktor Panchenko 
Khabarovsk — 
Forest fires in the Khabarovsk Territory in Russia’s Far East have been easing,the Far Eastern Natural Resources Department told Tass Saturday. In theKhabarovsk Territory six forest fires affecting an area of 8,000 hectares arestill to be dealt with. The first snowfalls in the territory’s northern areashave proved helpful. 

Mostforest fires have been localized and forest protection experts say another threefires will be eliminated by the end of the day. 

Apartfrom the Khabarovsk Territory forest fires continue in the Jewish AutonomousRegion on about 300 hectares. 
One forest fire has been spotted in the Amur Region. 

Atotal of 180 fire-fighters, 40 ground vehicles and 7 planes and helicopters areinvolved in fire-fighting operations in Russia’s Far East.


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