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Research and Literature

Recently published comprehensive monograph

The volume “Towards Fire-smart Landscapes” was developed in 2021-2022 by Tropenbos and GFMC (N. Pasiecznik and J.G. Goldammer, eds.), with contributions of more than 100 co-authors from tropical South America, Asia and Africa. The book was presented at UNFCCC COP-26 (Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 12 November 2022), at the Global Landscapes Forum, Session “Fire-smart landscapes as promising approach for effective adaptation and mitigation” and at the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference (Porto, Portugal, 16-19 May 2023). The book is available online in English and Spanish:

Review of community involvement in and management of forest fires in South East Asia

A comprehensive report on community involvement in and management of forest fires in South East Asia, prepared by Sameer Karki, was published in 2002 by Project FireFight South East Asia (ISBN 979-3260-02-5)

Related Website with online resources

World Rainforest Movement: Numerous resources are available (please enter “fire” in the online search function):


Please see also CBFiM Basics and Introductory Materials and Case Studies


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