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CBFiM Promotion and PR Materials
Examplesof CBFiM and other PR / Educational Materials on Wildfire prevention will bearchived successively on this web page. Readers of this website are encouragedto submit materials for display (posters, brochures, etc.)
A Training Manual on Fire Awareness and Education: Training at the village level in Tanzania published by the Tanzania Forest Services with financial and technical support by the German government through the Trilateral Cooperation Project on Integrated Fire Management (IFM) in Tanzania (2013).
Swahili version (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Portuguese version (PDF, 1.6 MB)
English version (PDF, 1.0 MB)
In 2015 the Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF) of Chile published a Manual for Community Wildfire Defense and Preparedness and a Methodology for Community Wildfire Prevention Planning:
Manual for Community Wildfire Defense
and Preparedness (2015) (PDF, 17 MB)
Methodology for Community Wildfire
Prevention Planning (2015) (PDF, 2.4 MB)
Costa Rica
Books developed by SINAC-MINAE from Costa Rica for the fire prevention campaign of 2013.
Students book (PDF, 6MB)
Teachers book (PDF, 1.5MB)
Banner de la aplicación (App) para dispositivos móviles (smartphone y tableta) “Conoce más sobre los incendios forestales” con un objetivo informativo y preventivo inticiativa del Programa Nacional deManejo del Fuego del SINAC-MINAE y la Comisión Nacional sobre Incendios Forestales (CONIFOR) de Costa Rica
Download Tono Pizote App for scanning the QR Code (.jpg, 0.4 MB)
CBFiM brochure Nuestro bosque enfrenta algunos peligros
(our forest is encountering many threats) developed by ECOBONA and partners (PDF, 5.0 MB)
Posters developed by the joint Bulgaria-FAO Fire Management Technical Cooperation Project
Poster and brochure developed by the “3-level Wildland Fire Management Project for Nepal”
click here for english version
The EU-funded Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Programme (FLEG II) has developed interactive materials for children and adults on fire prevention
In a special poster developed for distribution through the GFMC website, some materials for school children are presented for public awareness raising in the prevention of destructive wildfires: