Bibliography on the Use of Fire in Nature Conservation

The GFMC has published a number of papers that were presented at a scientific workshop on fire ecology and fire management in nature conservation areas and in landscape management in Germany, hosted by the Alfred Toepfer Akademie für Naturschutz, Schneverdingen, Germany, October 1996. This first scientific discussion after a break of nearly ten years brought together scientists and practitioners from heathlands, agriculture, pastoralism and forestry in Germany and neighbouring countries. The contributions cover the most important fire ecological and historical aspects of land-use fires in Central, Western and Northern Europe. The conclusions of most papers revealed that it was timely to reconsider traditional burning practices for restoring and/or maintaining those habitats and landscape types which are endangered by the lack of land-use disturbances, including fire, and the subsequent succession towards less species-rich ecosystems.

The bibliographic reference of the proceedings of the workshop (in German) is:

Alfred Toepfer Akademie für Naturschutz (ed.) 1997. Feuereinsatz im Naturschutz. Alfred Toepfer Akademie für Naturschutz, Schneverdingen. NNA-Berichte 10 (5), 181 p. <in German> (ISSN 09 35-1450).
The publication can be ordered via Internet:

Several papers on the history and use of fire in nature conservation and landscape management in Central Europe are provided on the website of the European Fire in Nature Conservation Network. An extensive bibliography is given below:

1. General Literature (including German papers about fire ecology outside Europe)

2. Fire in the Historic Cultural Landscape and Fire History

3. Flora

4. Fauna

5. Soil and Climate

6. Forests (not including fire prevention and fire fighting)
