International Association of Wildland Fire

The International Association of Wildland Fire (IAWF) is a non-profit corporation formed to promote a better understanding of wildland fire, and built on the belief that an understanding of this dynamic natural force is vital for natural resource management, for firefighter safety, and for harmonious interaction between people and their environment. The IAWF is dedicated to communicating with the entire wildland fire community and providing global linkage for people with shared interest in wildfire and comprehensive fire management. The association has several programs and products to facilitate this mission:

Wildfire Magazine:
Wildfire magazine is the bi-monthly publication for members of the Association. This magazine reaches 2000 people in 81 countries.

International Journal of Wildland Fire:
The International Journal of Wildland Fire is a quarterly scientific peer-reviewed magazine of the Association. Starting in 2000 the journal is published by CSIRO Publishing in both print and electronic formats. Detailed information and a free sample copy can be downloaded at:


IAWF website

Contact address for the IAWF President:

Mr. Dick Mangan
President, 2004-2005, International Assoc. of Wildland Fire
Blackbull Wildfire Services
11400 Kona Ranch Road
Missoula, Montana 59804

Tel:      +1-406-543-0013
Fax:     +1-406-728-2097

For more information,please contact the IAWF at:

Bill Gabbert
Executive Director
International Association of Wildland Fire
PO Box 261
Hot Springs, SD 57747

Tel:       +1-605-890-2348
Fax:     +1-206-600-5113

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