Forest Fire Statistics of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1998, Tab. 5

Forest Fire Statistics of the Federal Republic of Germany, 2001
(State: 11.03.2002)

Source: Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (German Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food)

Tab.5. Economic Loss due to Forest Fire State

Economic Loss


Loss of Wood
in 1,000 m3 with bark

Damage Value
in 1,000 DEM2)



Industrial Roundwood

Economical Loss


Baden-Württemberg               0.0                 0.0                    22                    0    Bayern               0.0                 0.0                   201                    0    Berlin               2.0                 5.0                      2                    5    Brandenburg 1)               0.0                 0.0                   163                    0    Bremen               0.0                 0.0                      0                    0    Hamburg               0.0                 0.0                      0                    0    Hessen               0.0                 0.0                    50                    0    Mecklenburg-Vorpommern               0.0                 0.0                      8                   13    Niedersachsen      0.0                 0.1                    24                    0    Nordrhein-Westfalen               0.2                 0.0                    12                    2    Rheinland-Pfalz               0.0                 0.0                    35                    0    Saarland 1)               0.0                 0.0                      0                    0    Sachsen               0.0                 0.0                   253                    0    Sachsen-Anhalt               0.0                 0.1                    30                   12    Schleswig-Holstein 1)               0.0                 0.0                      0                    0    Thüringen               0.0                 0.0                      8                   19    Former W.-Germany               2.2                 5.1                   344                    7    New Federal States               0.1                 0.1                   461                   44    Germany               2.3                 5.2                   806                   51   

1) 0 means: no declaration
2) DEM – Germany Deutsche Marks
Remark: all forest ownership including federal forest of each state



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