Publications relevant to fire and fire-related processes by M.O. Andreae

Publicationsrelevant to fire and fire-related processes
by M.O. Andreae

Andreae, M. O., E. V. Browell, M. Garstang, G. L. Gregory, R. C. Harriss, G. F. Hill, D. J. Jacob, M. C. Pereira, G. W. Sachse, A. W. Setzer, P. L. S. Dias, R. W. Talbot, A. L. Torres, et al., Biomass-burning emissions and associated haze layers over Amazonia. J. Geophys. Res., 1988. 93: p. 1509-1527.

Andreae, M. O. and D. S. Schimel, Exchange of Trace Gases between Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Atmosphere. 1989, Chichester, England, J. Wiley and Sons: 353.

Helas, G., M. O. Andreae, J. Fontan, B. Cros, and R. Delmas, Ozone measurements in equatorial Africa during DECAFE 88, in Ozone in the Atmosphere, R. D. Bojkov and P. Fabian, Editor. 1989, A. Deepak Publishing, Hampton, VA: p. 430-432.

Andreae, M. O., G. Helas, J. Rudolph, B. Cros, R. Delmas, D. Nganga, and J. Fontan, Ozone production from biomass burning in tropical Africa. Results from DECAFE-88, in Fire in the Tropical Biota: Ecosystem Processes and Global Challenges, J. G. Goldammer, Editor. 1990, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany: p. 437-439.

Crutzen, P. J. and M. O. Andreae, Biomass burning in the tropics: Impact on atmospheric chemistry and biogeochemical cycles. Science, 1990. 250: p. 1669-1678.

Andreae, M. O., Biomass burning: Its history, use and distribution and its impact on environmental quality and global climate, in Global Biomass Burning: Atmospheric, Climatic and Biospheric Implications, J. S. Levine, Editor. 1991, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.: p. 3-21.

Andreae, M. O., Biomass burning in the tropics: Impact on environmental quality and global climate, in Resources, Environment, and Population: Present Knowledge, Future Options, K. Davis and M. S. Bernstam, Editor. 1991, Oxford University Press, New York – Oxford: p. 268-291.

Lacaux, J. P., R. A. Delmas, B. Cros, B. Lefeivre, and M. O. Andreae, Influence of biomass burning emissions on precipitation chemistry in the equatorial forests of Africa, in Global Biomass Burning: Atmospheric, Climatic and Biospheric Implications, J. S. Levine, Editor. 1991, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.: p. 167-173.

Andreae, M. O., A. Chapuis, B. Cros, J. Fontan, G. Helas, C. Justice, Y. J. Kaufman, A. Minga, and D. Nganga, Ozone and Aitken nuclei over equatorial Africa: Airborne observations during DECAFE 88. J. Geophys. Res., 1992. 97: p. 6137-6148.

Andreae, M. O. and J. G. Goldammer, Tropical wildland fires and other biomass burning: Environmental impacts and implications for land use and fire management, in Conservation of West and Central African Rainforests, K. Cleaver, M. Munasinghe, M. Dyson, N. Egli, A. Peuker, and F. Wencelius, Editor. 1992, The World Bank, Washington, DC: p. 71-110.

Helas, G., H. Bingemer, and M. O. Andreae, Organic acids over equatorial Africa: Results from DECAFE 88. J. Geophys. Res., 1992. 97: p. 6187-6193.

Helas, G., J.-P. Lacaux, R. Delmas, D. Scharffe, J. Lobert, J. Goldammer, and M. O. Andreae, Ozone as biomass burning product over Africa. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 1992. 1: p. 155-160.

Andreae, M. O., The influence of tropical biomass burning on climate and the atmospheric environment, in Biogeochemistry of Global Change: Radiatively Active Trace Gases, R. S. Oremland, Editor. 1993, Chapman & Hall, New York, NY: p. 113-150.

Andreae, M. O., Global distribution of fires seen from space. Eos Trans. AGU, 1993. 74: p. 129-135.

Malingreau, J.-P., F. A. Albini, M. O. Andreae, S. Brown, J. S. Levine, J. M. Lobert, T. A. Kuhlbusch, L. Radke, A. W. Setzer, P. M. Vitousek, D. E. Ward, and J. Warnatz, Quantification of fire characteristics from local to global scales, in Fire in the Environment: The Ecological, Atmospheric, and Climatic Importance of Vegetation Fires, P. J. Crutzen and J. G. Goldammer, Editor. 1993, J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England: p. 329-343.

Andreae, M. O., B. E. Anderson, D. R. Blake, J. D. Bradshaw, J. E. Collins, G. L. Gregory, G. W. Sachse, and M. C. Shipham, Influence of plumes from biomass burning on atmospheric chemistry over the equatorial Atlantic during CITE-3. J. Geophys. Res., 1994. 99: p. 12,793-12,808.

Andreae, M. O., J. Fishman, M. Garstang, J. G. Goldammer, C. O. Justice, J. S. Levine, R. J. Scholes, B. J. Stocks, A. M. Thompson, B. W. van Wilgen, and the STARE/TRACE-A/SAFARI Science Team, Biomass burning in the global environment: First results from the IGAC/BIBEX field campaign STARE/TRACE-A/SAFARI-92, in Global Atmospheric-Biospheric Chemistry, R. G. Prinn, Editor. 1994, Plenum, New York: p. 83-101.

Andreae, M. O. and P. Warneck, Global methane emissions from biomass burning and comparison with other sources. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 1994. 66: p. 162-169.

Goldammer, J. G., M. O. Andreae, G. Helas, and F. Meixner, Vegetationsbrände: Auswirkungen auf Ökosysteme, Atmosphäre und Klima. Labor 2000, 1994: p. 48-59.

Helas, G., J. Lobert, J. Goldammer, M. O. Andreae, J. P. Lacaux, and R. Delmas, Airborne measurements of biomass burning products over Africa, in Ozone in the Troposphere and Stratosphere. Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 1992, R. D. Hudson, Editor. 1994, NASA, Greenbelt, Md: p. 162-165.

Manö, S. and M. O. Andreae, Emission of methyl bromide from biomass burning. Science, 1994. 263: p. 1255-1257.

Helas, G., M. O. Andreae, G. Schebeske, and P. Le Canut, SA’ARI-94: a preliminary view of results. S. Afr. J. Sci., 1995. 91: p. 360-362.

Helas, G., J. Lobert, D. Scharffe, L. Schäfer, J. Goldammer, J. Baudet, B. Ahoua, A.-L. Ajavon, J.-P. Lacaux, R. Delmas, and M. O. Andreae, Ozone production due to emissions from vegetation burning. J. Atmos. Chem., 1995. 22: p. 163-174.

Helas, G., J. Lobert, D. Scharffe, L. Schäfer, J. Goldammer, J. Baudet, A.-L. Ajavon, B. Ahoua, J.-P. Lacaux, R. Delmas, and M. O. Andreae, Airborne measurements of savanna fire emissions and the regional distribution of pyrogenic pollutants over western Africa. J. Atmos. Chem., 1995. 22: p. 217-239.

Lacaux, J. P., J. M. Brustet, R. Delmas, J. C. Menaut, L. Abbadie, B. Bonsang, H. Cachier, J. Baudet, M. O. Andreae, and G. Helas, Biomass burning in the tropical savannas of Ivory Coast: An overview of the field experiment Fire Of Savannas (FOS/DECAFE ’91). J. Atmos. Chem., 1995. 22: p. 195-216.

Andreae, M. O., E. Atlas, H. Cachier, W. R. Cofer, III, G. W. Harris, G. Helas, R. Koppmann, J.-P. Lacaux, and D. E. Ward, Trace gas and aerosol emissions from savanna fires, in Biomass Burning and Global Change, J. S. Levine, Editor. 1996, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.: p. 278-295.

Andreae, M. O., E. Atlas, G. W. Harris, G. Helas, A. de Kock, R. Koppmann, W. Maenhaut, S. Manö, W. H. Pollock, J. Rudolph, D. Scharffe, G. Schebeske, and M. Welling, Methyl halide emissions from savanna fires in southern Africa. J. Geophys. Res., 1996. 101: p. 23,603-23,613.

Andreae, M. O., J. Fishman, and J. Lindesay, The Southern Tropical Atlantic Region Experiment (STARE): TRansport and Atmospheric Chemistry near the Equator – Atlantic (TRACE-A) and Southern African Fire/Atmosphere Research Initiative (SAFARI): An introduction. J. Geophys. Res., 1996. 101: p. 23,519-23,520.

Kuhlbusch, T. A. J., M. O. Andreae, H. Cachier, J. G. Goldammer, J.-P. Lacaux, R. Shea, and P. J. Crutzen, Black carbon formation by savanna fires: Measurements and implications for the global carbon cycle. J. Geophys. Res., 1996. 101: p. 23,651-23,665.

Le Canut, P., M. O. Andreae, G. W. Harris, F. G. Wienhold, and T. Zenker, Aerosol optical properties over southern Africa during SAFARI-92, in Biomass Burning and Global Change, J. S. Levine, Editor. 1996, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.: p. 441-459.

Le Canut, P., M. O. Andreae, G. W. Harris, F. G. Wienhold, and T. Zenker, Airborne studies of emissions from savanna fires in southern Africa, 1, Aerosol emissions measured with a laser optical particle counter. J. Geophys. Res., 1996. 101: p. 23,615-23,630.

Lindesay, J. A., M. O. Andreae, J. G. Goldammer, G. Harris, H. J. Annegarn, M. Garstang, R. J. Scholes, and B. W. van Wilgen, International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme/International Global Atmospheric Chemistry SAFARI 92 field experiment: Background and overview. J. Geophys. Res., 1996. 101: p. 23,521-23,530.

Maenhaut, W., I. Salma, J. Cafmeyer, H. J. Annegarn, and M. O. Andreae, Regional atmospheric aerosol composition and sources in the Eastern Transvaal, South Africa, and impact of biomass burning. J. Geophys. Res., 1996. 101: p. 23,631-23,650.

Weiss, K.-F., J. G. Goldammer, J. S. Clark, D. A. Livingstone, and M. O. Andreae, Reconstruction of prehistoric fire regimes in East Africa by lake sediment analysis, in Biomass Burning and Global Change, J. S. Levine, Editor. 1996, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.: p. 545-551.

Zenker, T., A. M. Thompson, D. P. McNamara, T. L. Kuscera, G. W. Harris, F. G. Wienhold, P. Le Canut, M. O. Andreae, and R. Koppmann, Regional trace gas distribution and airmass characteristics in the haze layer over southern Africa during the biomass burning season (Sep./Oct. 92): Observations and modeling from the STARE/SAFARI’92/DC-3, in Biomass Burning and Global Change, J. S. Levine, Editor. 1996, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.: p. 296-308.

Andreae, M. O., Emissions of trace gases and aerosols from savanna fires, in Fire in the Southern African Savanna: Ecological and Environmental Perspectives, B. W. van Wilgen, M. O. Andreae, J. G. Goldammer, and J. A. Lindesay, Editor. 1997, Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg, South Africa: p. 161-183.

Andreae, M. O. and P. J. Crutzen, Atmospheric aerosols: Biogeochemical sources and role in atmospheric chemistry. Science, 1997. 276(5315): p. 1052-1056.

Helas, G., L. Marufu, J. Ludwig, J. G. Goldammer, and M. O. Andreae, Der Einfluß von Vegetationsfeuern und Biomasseverbrennung auf die Atmosphäre, in Stoffkreisläufe in natürlichen und industriellen Prozessen, G. Thews and C. Servatius, Editor. 1997, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart: p. 33-46.

Koppmann, R., A. Khedim, J. Rudolph, D. Poppe, M. O. Andreae, G. Helas, M. Welling, and T. Zenker, Emissions of organic trace gases from savanna fires in southern Africa during the 1992 Southern African Fire Atmosphere Research Initiative and their impact on the formation of tropospheric ozone. J. Geophys. Res., 1997. 102(D15): p. 18,879-18,888.

Marufu, L., J. Ludwig, M. O. Andreae, F. X. Meixner, and G. Helas, Domestic biomass burning in rural and urban Zimbabwe – Part A. Biomass and Bioenergy, 1997. 12: p. 53-68.

van Wilgen, B. W., M. O. Andreae, J. G. Goldammer, and J. A. Lindesay, ed. Ecological and Atmospheric Effects of Savanna Fires in Southern Africa. 1997, University of Witwatersrand Press, Johannesburg, South Africa: 256 p.

Andreae, M. O., T. W. Andreae, H. Annegarn, F. Beer, H. Cachier, W. Elbert, G. W. Harris, W. Maenhaut, I. Salma, R. Swap, F. G. Wienhold, and T. Zenker, Airborne studies of aerosol emissions from savanna fires in southern Africa: 2. Aerosol chemical composition. J. Geophys. Res., 1998: in press.

Andreae, M. O., P. le Canut, T. W. Andreae, W. Elbert, G. W. Harris, F. G. Wienhold, T. Zenker, H. Annegarn, F. Beer, H. Cachier, W. Maenhaut, I. Salma, and R. Swap, Aerosol characteristics over southern Africa during the 1992 fire season. J. Geophys. Res., 1998: in preparation.

Harris, G. W., T. Zenker, M. O. Andreae, F. G. Wienhold, M. Welling, and U. Parchatka, Regional distribution of trace gases over southern Africa measured during SAFARI-92. J. Geophys. Res., 1998: in preparation.

Harris, G. W., T. Zenker, F. G. Wienhold, M. Welling, U. Parchatka, and M. O. Andreae, Airborne measurements of trace gas emission ratios from southern African veld fires. J. Geophys. Res., 1998: in preparation.

Helas, G., G. Schebeske, D. Scharffe, S. Manö, M. O. Andreae, and R. Koppmann, Light hydrocarbon measurements over savanna fires in South Africa. J. Geophys. Res., 1998: in preparation.

Kirkman, G. A., S. J. Piketh, G. Helas, H. J. Annegarn, and M. O. Andreae, Distribution of aerosols, ozone and carbon monoxide over southern Africa. 1998: in preparation.

Kituyi, E., L. Marufu, S. O. Wandiga, I. O. Jumba, M. O. Andreae, and G. Helas, Sustainability and species preference patterns of biofuel resources in Kenya. Ambio, 1998: in preparation.

Marufu, L., J. Ludwig, M. O. Andreae, J. Lelieveld, and G. Helas, Spatial and temporal variation in biofuel consumption rates and patterns in Zimbabwe: Implications for atmospheric trace gas emission. J. Biomass Bioenergy, 1998: submitted.

Scholes, M. and M. O. Andreae, Biogenic and pyrogenic emissions from Africa and their impact on the global atmosphere. 1998: in preparation.


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