January | February| March | April | May| June | July | August| September | October | November| December
Preparation of GFMC activities in 2003
9 January 2003
Work visit of the Co-Director of the EU / GTZ-Indonesia Forest Fire ManagementProject, Palembang (Sumatra), Mr. K.-H. Steinmann; GFMC.
14 January 2003
Consultations with Haug & Partner, on the design of a Kässbohrer specialcaterpillar fire vehicle for the use in steep mountain and peat-swamp terrain;GFMC.
22 January 2003
Meeting of European NationalPlatforms and Focal Points for ISDR,by invitation of the German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKC) within theISDR; Bad Honnef, Germany.
20-30 January 2003
GFMC staff A. Held and D. Nagy attending Fire Management Training Course atFlorida Division of Forestry Training Center, Brooskville, Florida, andPrescribed Burning Operations, Osceola Ranger District / Mr. Jason Greenlee;Florida, U.S.A.
24 January 2003
Visit and Briefing of the Fire Management Expert Delegation, People’s Republicof China; GFMC. Delegation members:
- Mr. CaoWenzhong, Deputy Head Forestry Department of Neirenggu Municipality
- Mr.A Yongga,Office Chief Director of Fireproof of Headquarters of Neimengu Municipality
- Mr.Hao Bisigalatu, OfficeVice Director of Headquarters, Neimengu Municipality
- Mr.Jia Baoshan,Division Chief of the Police Security Division under Forestry Department ofNeimonggu Municipality
- Mr.WangXiangheng, Division Chief of The Police Security Division under ForestryDepartment of Neimonggu Municipality
- Mr.Li Conglin,Vice Secretary General of Hulunbeier City Government
- Mr.ZhangJianguo, Vice Director of Forestry Department of Hulunbeier City
- Mr.ZhangGuojun, Vice Director of Fire Protection Office of Hulunbeier City
- Mr.XingXiaojun, Vice Director of Fire Protection Office of Hulunbeier City
- Mr.Hu Baoshan,Vice Director of Fire Protection Office of Xing´an Area
- Mr.Dai Baigula,Chief Director of Fire Protection Office of Tongliao City
- Mr.Liu Yulin,Vice Director of Fire Protection Office under the Forestry AdministrativeDepartment of the Big Xingán Moutains
- Mr.Su Shijun,Vice President of the Second Forestry Reconnaissance Engineering of Neimengu
- Mr.An Zhimei,Vice President of the Second Forestry Reconnaissance Engineering of Neimengu
- Mr.WangZhongbao, Director, Aerial Forestry Fire Protection Station, Genhe City
- Mr.SunXiangdong, Director of Erlianhaote Nongmulin & Water Bureau President
- Mr.Liu Jie,Director of the Forestry Administrative Department of the Original Forestry,North of the Big Xingán Moutains
- Mr.Qi Quan,Director of Forestry Department of Honghuaerji
- Mr.Zhang Ying,Director of Forestry Department of Huhehaote City
Group photo of the delegation of Forest Fire Management Officials from
Inner Mongolia, People’s Republic of China, at the GFMC (24 January 2003)
7 February 2003
Meeting of the INSARAG Fire Group (INSARAG Regional Group Africa/Europe).Preparation of the INSARAG Regional Group Africa/Europe Meeting (Netherlands, 16-17April 2003); GFMC.
- Groupphoto of the participants of the INSARAG Fire Group Meeting (INSARAG RegionalGroup Africa/Europe), at the GFMC (7 February 2003). From left to right: J.G.Goldammer (GFMC), M. Komorowski and R. Grosset (Poland), S. Fiedler (Germany),W. Lindner (Germany), R. van Hazebrouck (Germany), K.-H. Frank (Germany), T. Heikkilä (Finland).
15 February 2003
Prescribed burning operations for the conservation of the UNESCO-protectedlandscapes of the Middle Rhein Valley (J. Goldammer, A. Held, C. Held); Kaub andBoppard, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
18 February 2003
Prescribed burning operations for the conservation of heathlands (A. Held, C.Held); Haltern, North Rhine Westphalia, Germany.
19 February 2003
Prescribed burning operations for the conservation of the UNESCO-protectedlandscapes of the Middle Rhein Valley (A. Held, D. Nagy); Kaub and Boppard,Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
21 February 2003
Defence of Doctoral Dissertation of Mr. P. Marxer on Oberflächenabflussund Bodenerosion auf Brandflächen des Kastanienwaldgürtels der Südschweiz miteiner Anleitung zur Bewertung der post-fire Erosionsanfälligkeit (BAEroKaBr). Facultyfor Philosophy and Natural Sciences, Basel University; Basel, Switzerland.
24-28 February 2003
GFMC Annual Seminar Fire Ecology and Fire Management”, jointly conductedwith Zurich Technical University (ETH Zürich); GFMC.
26-27February 2003
All-Russian Forestry Congress, Moscow. 26 February: Round Table on Key Waysof Protection of Forests from Fire in the Russian Federation; Plenary meetingand GFMC side meeting; State Kremlin Palace, Moscow, Russian Federation.
8 March2003
Visit of special fire-fighting helicopter Super Puma AS 332 C1 (HELOG AIR /AEROTERRA) in preparation for building an International Wildland Fire ResponseTeam; GFMC.
HelicopterCrew and GFMC Wildland Fire Response Team
8 March 2003 (at GFMC, Freiburg, Germany)
17-18 March 2003
GOFC/GOLD Executive Committee Meeting; Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy.
21-23 March 2003
Prescribed fire experiment for heathland conservation in Brandenburg State (A.Held, A. Casper, M. Hille); Spremberg-Döbern, Germany.
24-25 March 2003
GFMC contribution to the workshop The future of open Landscapes? Scenariosfor the development of former and active military exercise areas in Brandenburgand Saxony States, Germany, on Use of prescribed fire in successionmanagement on former military exercise areas in Brandenburg State, Germany(by A. Casper); Saxony Foundation, Nature and Environment Academy, Beelitz.
26-29 March 2003
Meeting of the International Liaison Committee (ILC) in preparation of the 3rdInternational Wildland Fire Conference and International Wildland Fire Summit(Sydney, Australia, October 2003); Melbourne, Australia.
27-28 March 2003
Prescribed burning operations for conservation of heathlands in NW Germany andfire behaviour and fire effects research (A. Held, D. Nagy, M. Hille); LütjenholmHeatherDunes and Bordelum-Langenhorn Heathlands, Schleswig-Holstein State, Germany.
30 March2003
Meeting of the of the German National Committee for Disaster Reduction(Deutsches Komitee für Katastrophenvorsorge – DKKV); Bonn, Germany.
3 April 2003
GFMC contribution to Research Seminar for Doctoral Students at ZurichUniversity, on The application of prescribed fire in nature conservation andlandscape management (by A. Held); Zurich, Switzerland.
10-11 April 2003
Seventh Meeting of the Inter-Agency Task Force forDisaster Reduction, UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR).GMFC to reports on the progress of formation of Regional Wildland Fire Networksof the Working Group on Wildland Fires (Working Group 4) and on the upcomingGlobal Wildland Fire Summit; Palais desNations, Geneva, Switzerland.
14-19 April 2003
GFMC / ECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Forest Fire co-organize the ECE/FAO/ILOInternational Conference on Forest Fire Management and International Cooperationin Fire Emergencies in the Eastern Mediterranean, Balkans and Adjoining Regionsof the Near East and Central Asia; Antalya, Turkey.(dueto Iraq war postponed to March 2003).
22-26 April 2003
Evaluation of fire experiments for heathland conservation in Brandenburg State(A. Casper); Spremberg-Döbern, Germany.
24 April-10 May 2003
On-site field and institutional research, National Fire Management Plan forHungary (D. Nagy); Budapest-Sopron, Hungary.
2 May 2003
Meeting at German Ministry for Interior, Project Group InternationalCooperation, on cooperation in wildland fire disaster reduction; Bonn, Germany.
2-3 May 2003
Meeting at German Ministry for Defence, on Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) inwildland fire disaster reduction; Bonn, Germany.
5 May 2003
Meeting of the Executive Board of the German National Committee for DisasterReduction (Deutsches Komitee für Katastrophenvorsorge – DKKV); Bonn, Germany.
5-17 May 2003
GFMC / Wildland Fire Training Center Africa (WFTCA) short courses LawEnforcement Training (7-9 May 2003) and Integrated Fire Management Coursefor Conservation and Fire Managers (12-16 May 2003) (GFMC staff A. Held);Nelspruit and Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa).
12 May 2003
Visit of John Handmer, Innovation Professorin Risk and Sustainability, Director Centre for Risk and Community Safety,Geospatial Science, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, concerning cooperation with theBushfire Cooperative Research Center (CRC) in the field of community-based firemanagement; GFMC.
14-15 May 2003
Fifth Meeting of the Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (AGEE). OCHA-UNEP, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
- GFMCcontribution: Brief Remarks on Recent Wildland Fire Emergencies (PDF, 2.2 MB)
15-16 May 2003
Fifth Meeting of the Senior-Level Expert AdvisoryGroup Meeting on APELL (Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at LocalLevel). OCHA-UNEP, Palaisdes Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
20-22 May 2003
Evaluation of fire experiments for heathland conservation in Brandenburg State(A. Casper); Spremberg-Döbern, Germany.
20 May 2003
Preparation of the Brandenburg 2003 Forest Fire Experiment in the frame of thework of the Research Cluster “Forest Fire” of the German ResearchNetwork for Natural Disasters (Deutsches Forschungsnetz Naturkatastrophen -DFNK) (J.G. Goldammer, A. Casper); Cottbus Region, Germany.
21 May 2003
Workshop on Use of Prescribed Fire in Nature Conservation and LandscapeManagement (Feuereinsatz in Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege – ProjektZschornoer Wald), with Federal German Forest Service (J.G. Goldammer, A.Casper); Tschernitz, Brandenburg, Germany.
27 May 3 June 2003
On-site field and institutional research, National Fire Management Plan forHungary (D. Nagy); Budapest-Sopron, Hungary.
2 June 2003
Consultations with the Government of Guatemala concerning cooperation betweenthe Mesoamerican Cooperation Regarding Protection against Forest Firesand the GFMC; signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between theMesoamerican Permanent Technical Group on Forest Fires (Grupo TécnicoMesoamericano Permanente sobre Incendios Forestales), represented by Mr. RonaldoHerrarte, President of the Coordinating Council of the Sistema Nacional dePrevención y Control de Incendios Forestales (SIPECIF), Guatemala, and Executive Coordinator of the Presidency of Guatemala, andthe Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), UN International Strategy for DisasterReduction (ISDR), Working Group on Wildland Fire, represented by the Chair, Dr.Johann G. Goldammer, concerning Cooperation in the Global Wildland Fire Networkthrough active participation of the Regional Mesoamerica Wildland Fire Network;Secretaría de Coordinación Ejecutiva de le Presidencia; Guatemala, C.A..
3-5 June 2003
Hemispheric Consultation on EarlyWarning in preparation of the UN Early Warning Conference (J.G. Goldammer);Antigua, Guatemala.
- Antigua Declarationof 5 June 2003 (English; PDF, 23 KB)
- Antigua Declarationof 5 June 2003 (Spanish; PDF, 27 KB)
6 June 2003
Consultations with Instituto Forestal (INFOR), Chile, Dr. H. Grosse, concerningcooperation in the development of an Early Warning System for High-Risk ForestAreas in Chile (A. Held, D. Nagy); GFMC, Germany.
6-7 June 2003
GOFC/GOLD Fire Implementation Team Meeting (J.G. Goldammer); Ghent University,Ghent, Belgium.
10-11 June 2003
Symposium and field visit “Metsänkehitys Palaa Alkuun – 10 Vuotta KitsinPalosta” (Forest Development Starts from its Beginning 10 Years Afterthe Kitsi Fire); consultations on the European Fire in Nature ConservationNetwork and planning for the 2004 Baltic Conference on Fire in NatureConservation and Landscape Management (J.G. Goldammer); consultations with theEuropean Forest Institute (EFI) (Dr. Risto Päivinen), Finnish Forest researchInstitute, Joensuu Research Center (Dr. Jari Parviainen) and Koli National Park(Mr. Lasse Lovén); Joensuu, Koli National Park and Lieksa (Kitsi), Finland.
10-11 June 2003
Workshop on Multilateral Assistance Against Forest Fires in the MediterraneanBasin, Regional Mediterranean Wildland Fire Network (A. Held); Zaragoza, Spain.
16 June 2003
Consultations with IQ Wireless (Mr. A. Edwards) concerning GFMC cooperation inthe development of a decision-support system for fire management based on GFMCfire model and the Automated Fire Detection System FIRE WATCH.
16-17 June 2003
Joint meeting of the Secretariats of the UN International Strategy for DisasterReduction (ISDR) (Mr. F. Pisano) and the German National Committee for DisasterReduction (DKKV) (Mr. K.-O. Zentel), on preparation of the Second InternationalConference on Early Warning (EWC-II); GFMC.
25 June 2003
Doctoral examination of Mr. Paulus Matius on Plant Diversity and Utilizationof Rattan Gardens A Contribution to Participatory Biodiversity Conservationwithin Benuaq Tribe in East Kalimantan, Indonesia; Freiburg University, Facultyfor Forest and Environmental Sciences, Freiburg, Germany.
27June-9 July 2003
GFMC Russia mission: (1) Routine meetings with Avialesookhrana; (2) 5thInternational Scientific Conference “Wildland Fires: Initiation, Spread,Suppression and Ecological Consequences” (30 June 2 July 2003,Krasnoyarsk Region); (3) Revisit of the Bor Forest island Fire Experiment of1993 (Krasnoyarsk Region); Pushkino, Moscow Region, Krasnoyarsk, Yenisseisk,Bor, Russian Federation.
- (1)
- (2)
- (3)
9-23 July 2003
Research and Exchange visit of Mr. Yevgheny Shuktomov, Scienceand Technology Department, Aerial Forest Fire Center of Russia Avialesookhrana.Preparation of the Russian version of the FAO Multilingual Wildland FireTerminology; GFMC.
14-16 July 2003
4th GermanForum on Disaster Reduction, convened by the German National Committee forDisaster Reduction (Deutsches Komitee für Katastrophenvorsorge – DKKV), hostedby Munich Reinsurance and Ludwig Maximilian University. Presentation of theresults of the “Research Cluster Forest Fire” within the GermanNatural Disaster Research Network (Deutsches Forschungsnetz Naturkatastrophen DFNK) (J.G.Goldammer); Munich, Germany.
- Forum Programme (PDF, 0.4 MB)
27 31 July 2003
Second forest fireexperiment conducted by the GFMC in the frame of the German Research Network forNatural Disasters (Deutsches Forschungsnetz Naturkatastrophen – DFNK);Vattenfall Mining Europe Cottbus, Germany.
28July 2003
European Regional Consultation in Preparation of the Second International EarlyWarning Conference (J.G. Goldammer); GeoForschunszentrum, Potsdam, Germany.
6 August2003
Prescribed burning operations for the conservation of the UNESCO-protectedlandscapes of the Middle Rhein Valley (J.G. Goldammer, D. Nagy); Boppard,Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
9-17 August2003
Government consultations and field exploration on fire management with GTZProject Nature Conservation and Bufferzone Development (.G. Goldammer);Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
17-22 August2003
4thSAFNet meeting “The use of remote sensing to support fire management insouthern Africa – In affiliation with GOFC/GOLD and Afrifirenet” (N. deRonde); Kruger National Park, South Africa
21August 2003
GFMC staff Alexander C. Held and his wife Claudia Müller are proud parents of ason, Jakob Alexander, born at 01:15 UTC; St. Josef Hospital, Freiburg, Germany.
21 August2003
Prescribed burning operations for theconservation of the UNESCO-protected landscapes of the Middle Rhein Valley (D.Nagy); Boppard, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
22 August2003
Meeting of the Executive Board of theGerman National Committee for Disaster Reduction (Deutsches Komitee fürKatastrophenvorsorge – DKKV) (J.G. Goldammer); Bonn, Germany.
27-31 August2003
Window for prescribed burning operationsfor conservation of heathlands in NW Germany and fire behaviour and fire effectsresearch (J.G. Goldammer, D. Nagy); Lütjenholm Heather Dunes andBordelum-Langenhorn Heathlands, Schleswig-Holstein State, Germany.
1-5 September 2003
Secondwindow for the second forest fire experiment conductedby the GFMC in the frame of the German Research Network for Natural Disasters(Deutsches Forschungsnetz Naturkatastrophen – DFNK); Vattenfall Mining EuropeCottbus, Germany.
4-6 September 2003
Prescribed burning operations for the conservation of the UNESCO-protectedlandscapes of the Middle Rhein Valley (A. Held, D. Nagy); Boppard,Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
9-11 September 2003
Workshop of LIFE Project “Restoration ofDune Habitats along the Danish West Coast” (LIFE02/NAT/DK/8584) (A. Held);Vigsø Feriecenter, Denmark.
9-13 September 2003
InternationalWorkshop on New Approaches toForest Fire Management at an Ecoregional Level (J.G. Goldammer); Khabarovsk,Russia.
12-15 September 2003
Survey of areas burned in Chita and Buryatia Regions, Russian Federation, duringthe fire season of 2003 (J.G. Goldammer, withAvialesookhrana); Irkutsk, Ulan Ude, Russia.
18 September 2003
Reactivationmeeting of the Commission on Forest Fires, International Technical Committee forthe Prevention and Extinction of Fire (CTIF) (J.G. Goldammer, D. Nagy);Budapest, Hungary.
24-28 September 2003
Third window for the second forest fire experiment conducted by the GFMC in theframe of the German Research Network for Natural Disasters (DeutschesForschungsnetz Naturkatastrophen – DFNK); Vattenfall Mining Europe Cottbus,Germany.
October 2003
3-6 October 2003
GFMC participation at the 3rd International Wildland Fire Conference andExhibition (J.G. Goldammer); Sydney, Australia.
- Europe by Bruce-Goldammer (PDF, 55 KB)
- Russia I by Furyaev-Goldammer (PDF, 190 KB)
- Russia II by Davidenko-Goldammer et al. (PDF, 2.2 MB)
- Sudan by Elgamri-Gaiballa-Goldammer (PDF, 82 KB)
- World Bank by Kushlin-Goldammer (PDF, 28 KB)
- Closing Paper by Goldammer (PDF, 373 KB)
8 October 2003
International Wildland Fire Summit (J.G. Goldammer); Sydney, Australia.
GFMC /UN-ISDR Background Paper:
9-10 October 2003
International Fire Weather Workshop, Program for World Weather Research Program(WWRP)/Bureau of Meteorology (BMRC)/ Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre(BCRC). GFMC remote participation in preparation of the Second InternationalConference on Early Warning (EWC-II); Melbourne, Australia.
6-8 October 2003
Euro-Mediterranean Forum on Disaster Reduction, organized by the Secretariat ofthe International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) and the Council ofEurope (EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement), hosted by the Government of Spain(remote / virtual participation by GFMC); Madrid, Spain.
16-18 October 2003
Second International Conference on Early Warning (EWC-II) (J.G. Goldammer);Bonn, Germany.
- Statement of the Second international Conference on Early Warning (PDF, 134 KB)
- Effective Early Warning to Reduce Disasters: The Need for More Coherent International Action (Resolution of the Second International Conference on Early Warning, Bonn, Germany, 16-18 October 2003) (PDF, 212 KB)
GFMC / UN-ISDR Wg4 EWC-II Input Paper on Early Warning of Wildland Fire (PDF file, 342 KB)
27 October 2003
Meeting of the Executive Board of the German National Committee for DisasterReduction (Deutsches Komitee für Katastrophenvorsorge – DKKV) (J.G. Goldammer);Bonn, Germany.
November 2003
1 November 2003
New GFMC staff member Ms. Claudia Scholz to assume duty as GFMC Latin AmericaFocal Point; GFMC.
5 November 2003
Meeting of the Steering Committee of the German Natural Disaster ResearchNetwork (Deutsches Forschungsnetz Naturkatastrophen DFNK): Presentation ofthe results of the “Research Cluster Forest Fire” (A. Held); Potsdam,Germany.
6-7 November 2003
Evaluation of prescribed burns in protected heathland areas in BrandenburgState, Federal Forest District Lausitz (A. Held), Spremberg-Zschorno, Germany.
5-6 November 2003
Eighth Meeting of theInter-Agency Task Force for Disaster Reduction, UN International Strategy forDisaster Reduction (ISDR). GMFC to report on the progress of formation ofRegional Wildland Fire Networks of the Working Group on Wildland Fires (WorkingGroup 4) and on the results of Global Wildland Fire Summit (J.G.Goldammer);Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
8 November 2003
2003 Annual Nature Conservation Conference, Spree-Neisse County, on the use ofprescribed burning in nature conservation and landscape management (A. Held). Drachhausen,Brandenburg, Germany.
11 November 2003
Visit of Professor Mark Adams, BushfireCooperative Research Center (CRC), Melbourne, Australia, concerning cooperationbetween the CRC and the GFMC; GFMC.
13 November 2003
Begin of research visit of Dr. Sergej Verkhovets, Sukachev Institute for Forest,Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, at the GFMC (untilJanuary 2003); GFMC.
14-16 November 2003
First meeting on Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) in wildland fire management.German Armed Forces Support Command, Hannover (J.G. Goldammer, A. Held, S.Teusan); Hannover, Germany.
17-18 November 2003
2nd International Wildland Fire Ecology and Fire Management Congress. Openingkeynote by GFMC (J.G.Goldammer); Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
18-28 November 2003
Training course Integrated Fire Management for Fire Managers in Mozambiqueorganized by theWildland Fire Training Center in cooperation with the Ministry of Agricultureand Fisheries of Mozambique and the Finish Government Development Agency (A.Held); Nelspruit, South Africa.
Note: This coursehad to be cancelled due to unforeseen technical problems to bring participantsfrom Mozambique to South Africa. GFMC (A. Held) and FAO (P. Vuorinen) used theopportunity to prepare training courses for 2004 in South Africa and Mozambique(Beira).
28-30 November 2003
Second reactivationmeeting of the Commission on Forest Fires, International Technical Committee forthe Prevention and Extinction of Fire (CTIF) (J.G. Goldammer); Sarpsborg,Norway.
3 December 2003
Visit of Mr. Klaus Braun, ICS Group, Narrikup, Western Australia, Australia (the ICSGroup is specialized on wildfire risk management, wildfire behaviour research,fire management (operations) and community safety (mitigation) in particular inthe wildland fire/urban interface, plantation fire protection, behaviour andimpacts, impacts of wildfire on conservation values and biodiversity, wildfireinvestigation; GFMC.
5 December 2003
GOFC-GOLD international telephone conference (J.G.Goldammer); AT&T.
5 December 2003
Visit head of the Silviculture Lab of the faculty of Forestry and EnvironmentalScienses (J. Bauhus) and Mr.Kobsak Wanthongchai, Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, KatsesartUniversity, Bangkok, Thailand; GFMC.
5 December 2003
Kick-off meeting for the PHARE Bulgaria Twinning Project Strengthening of theAdministrative Capacity of the State Forestry Administration and staff ofNational Forest Company (BG/2002/IB/AG/05/UE) (GFMC virtual participation);Austria Federal Forest Service Consulting, Purkersdorf, Austria.
8 December 2003
Congress Civil Security Prepredness in Germany, at the occasion of the 50thAnniversary of the German Academy for Crisis Management, Emergency Planning andCivil Protection (Akademie für Krisenmanagement, Notfallplanung und Zivilschutz- AKNZ) (J.G. Goldammer); Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler.
9 December 2003
Media Workshop History and Prehistory of Vegetation Fires, GermanAssociation of Science Journalists (J.G. Goldammer); Wülfrath, Germany.
Announcementsand reports:
12 December 2003
Visit of forestry expert Mr. Juergen Hartwig, Institute of Cultural Geography,Freiburg University. Discussion on the role of fire in the forests of northernMongolia; GFMC.
15 December 2003
Meeting with the Executive Board of German Railways (Deutsche Bahn AG), onmeasures to reduce occurrence and economic consequences of railroad track fires(J.G. Goldammer); Frankfurt, Germany.
16 December 2003
Meeting with Dr. H. Knicker, Institute for Soil Sciences, Technical Universityof Munich, Weihenstephan, on cooperation in research of ecological effects offire on soil properties; GFMC.
17 December 2003
Visit of forestry expert Mr. S. Essel. Briefing on Community-Based FireManagement for the Central Rivers Division Forestry Project (CRDFS), The Gambia;GFMC.
30 December 2003
Work visit of theCo-Director of the EU / GTZ-Indonesia Forest Fire Management Project, Palembang(Sumatra), Mr. K.-H. Steinmann; GFMC.