IFFN Recent Publications: Incendios Históricos. Una Aproximación Multi-Disciplinar <Historical Forest Fires – A Multidisciplinary Approach> (IFFN No. 22 – April 2000)
Incendios Históricos. Una Aproximación Multi-Disciplinar
<Historical Forest Fires – A Multidisciplinary Approach>
(IFFN No. 22 – April 2000, p. 109-110)
The investigation of historical forests fire is still very little developed in Spain, doubtless by short of responsible datums and extensive statistic series that allow to analyze the phenomenom of forests fire with rigour. In spite of this, every time is higher the importance that it is recognized to the fire in the process of transformation of the rural landscape in Spain during the last centuries.
This book, consequence of a Seminar developed in the International University of Andalusia, mentioned in this Review (International Forest Fire News No. 18), pretends to contribute to the historical knowledge of the forest fire through a multidisciplinary and pluri-regional approach to this phenomenon. The contributions come from Geography, History and Forest Engineering. Respect to regional analysis, it is analyzed Galicia, Andalusia, Mediterranean Regions and Castilla from Spain and Italy as a whole.
The book is completed with another two works. In one of them, Ricardo Vélez studies the evolution of the Spanish policy of fight against the forest fire in the last two centuries, and in the other Stephen Pyne explains the “triangle of fire”.
For more information contact:
Vicente Gallego Simón
Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
Sede Antonio Machado
Plaza de Santa María s/n
23440 Baeza – Jaén
Eduardo Araque Jiménez
Universidad de Jaén
Area de Analisis Geográfico Regional
23071 Jaén
Araque Jiménez, E.(comp.) 1999. Incendios históricos. Una aproximación multi-disciplinar <Historical forest fires. A multidisciplinary approach>. International University of Baezas´ Publications, Baeza, Spain (ISNBN 84-922285-3-9).