International Forest Fire News (IFFN)
International Forest Fire News
No. 38 – January – December 2009
Complete IFFN Issue No. 38 (8.7 MB)
Special Issue on Fire Management in Cultural and Natural Landscapes, Nature Conservation and Forestry in Temperate-Boreal Eurasia
- Fire Management in Cultural and Natural Landscapes, Nature Conservation and Forestry in Temperate-Boreal Eurasia: Introduction to a Symposium and its Follow-up
- Prescribed Fire as a Restoration Tool and its Past, Present and Future Use
in Västernorrland County, Sweden - Prescribed Range Burning in the Pyrenees: From a Traditional Practice to a Modern Management Tool
- Fire as a Restoration Tool in the Netherlands First Results from Dutch Dune Areas Indicate Potential Pitfalls and Possibilities
- Prescribed Burning of Coastal Heathlands in Western Norway: History and Present Day Experiences
- Prescribed Fire Experiments in Krasnoyarsk Region, Russia
- Ecological Monitoring of Slope Vegetation Managed by Prescribed Burning in the Kaiserstuhl Region, Germany
- Fire Management on Federal Real Estate Property in Brandenburg
- The Use of Prescribed Fire for Maintaining open Calluna Heathlands in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
- Fuel Load Assessment Methods in Forest and Non-Forest Vegetation in Central Europe: A Comparative Analysis
- The LIFE Rohrhardsberg Fire Management Project: The use of Prescribed Fire in Maintaining Endangered Habitats and Landscape Features in the Foothills of the Black Forest
- Application of Prescribed Burning in Pine Stands in Germany to Reduce Wildfire Hazard
- Forest Fuels Management and Firewise Approach in Private Properties: The Pianacci Project, Italy
- Wildland fires in the Alpine Region of Italy: Whats old, whats new? Whats next?
- Major Fire Issues in the Euro-Alpine Region the Austrian Alps
- Collection and Mapping of Prescribed Burning Practices in Europe: A First Approach
- Report of the Symposium on Fire Management in Cultural and Natural Landscapes, Nature Conservation and Forestry in Temperate-Boreal Eurasia. Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), Freiburg, Germany, 25-27 January 2008
- White Paper on Use of Prescribed Fire in Land Management, Nature Conservation and Forestry in Temperate-Boreal Eurasia
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