Russia: All-Union Research Institute for Forest Fire Protection (IFFN No. 6)
All-Union Research Institute for Forest Fire Protection
(IFFN No. 6 – January 1992, p. 11-13)
The All-Union Research Institute for Forest Fire Protection and Forestry Mechanization (VNIIPOMleshoz – the Russian acronym) is a national forest service-related, forestry-specialized research and development organization The institute incorporates several auxiliary departments and subsidiary organizations: the Baikal Forest Experiment Station, an experimental machinery building shop, an experimental forest farm, and a field work station.
The institute’s principal field of work embraces mechanization of forest fire control operations and other forestry works except logging; also fire prevention and organization of wildfire suppression. Key activities include studies in problem areas of wildland fire management, researches in fire effects and fire regimes, fire spread simulation and prediction, development and introduction into practice of improved and innovated techniques, processes and machines for forest fire prevention and suppression, and for reforestation. The most important projects are conducted in cooperation with outside specialized research and industry organizations.
The last 10 years of the institute’s activity have been marked with the following number of developments and results:
- 14 models of machine units, implements and other equipment for forest fire control, and 12 models for other forestry purposes, all put into series production;
- mountain and postfire reforestation technologies for a variety of regions of Siberia;
- a process to make the young conifer stands fire-resistant without use of prescribed fire;
- general prescriptions for non-hazardous forage improvement burning of the forest-surrounded grasslands in dry continental climate regions of East Siberia;
- forest fire containment and extinguishing techniques with the use of the machines and equipment designed in the institute;
- issue of recommendations, guidelines, specifications for different aspects of fire management and reforestation;
A total of 79 inventions and processes were patented, and 375 papers and monographs were published by the institute’s researchers. The results of the research and development work are widely applied throughout the country. The institute participates regularly in forest industries-related exhibitions at the USSR National Economy Development Standing Exhibition, the Lesdrevmash and Selkhoztechnika international exhibitions in Moscow. A total of 42 exhibits were displayed and following awards earned: 2 diplomas, 5 silver and 6 bronze medals.
At present time the main lines of work are:
- conversion of surplus military vehicles and tanks into high-powered, all-terrain, quick-response forest fire suppression machines;
- development of highly manoeuvrable, airborne firefighting units on the chassis of various wheeled or crawler-type small-sized vehicles;
- one-man mechanized multifunctional firefighting equipment on the powerbase of wheeled roto-tillers;
- development of machines, implement and equipment for such forestry activities as slash disposal, soil preparation for forest planting, gathering the seed of the Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica, the tree of great value to Siberia), etc.
Funding of research and development projects is composed of project grants from the authority organization and secondary government forestry departments and bureaux, and outside contracts with forest management and forest industry organizations.
The researchers of the institute are willing to expand international collaboration.
For more information write to:
Boris P. Yakovlev,
Director, All-Union Research Institute
for Forest Fire Protection and
Forestry Mechanization (VNIIPOMleshoz)
Krasnoyarsk 660036