Italy: A new Forest Fire Management Plan in Piemonte Region (North Western Italy) (IFFN No. 8 – January 1993)


A new Forest Fire Management Plan inPiemonte Region
(North Western Italy)

(IFFN No. 8 – January 1993, p. 15)

Piemonte region covers an area of about 25,000 km2 and has 750,000 ha of forests. A new triennial fire management plan has been developed during 1992; the plan is based on fire severity and fire danger zoning. Through the employment of fire behaviour prediction models, fire prevention, presuppression and suppression activities have been defined for every type of zone. The fire management plan has been developed by G.Bovio, A.Camia and A.Nosenzo, Department of Agronomy, Silviculture and Land Management, University of Torino.



From: Prof. Giovanni Bovio
Dipartimento di Agronomia,
Sylvicultura e Gestione del Territorio
Università di Torino
Via L. Da Vinci, 44
I-10095 Grugliasco (Torino)

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