Spain: Fuel Model Key Published (IFFN No. 4 – December 1990)
(IFFN No. 4 – December 1990, p. 11)
The characteristics of fuels are a basic input for the prediction of fire behaviour. In the United States thirteen standard fuel models are used. Starting in 1987 ICONA has been studying the adoption of this methodology by collecting information along several Spanish regions.
A first photo key is being used on an experimental basis by ICONA. It consits of 400 colour pictures of the fuel models identified in seven forest regions covering three quarters of the Spanish territory.
The pictures are arranged in 82 plates and include the fuel description and the fire behaviour expected in every model.
From: Ricardo Velez
Area de Defensa contra
Incendios Forestales
ICONA-Subdireccion General
de Proteccion de la Naturaleza
Gran Via de San Francisco, 35
E-28005 Madrid