Second International Fire Management Week
Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia
17-23 June 2013
The second International Fire Management Week was held in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russian Federation, 17-22 June 2013. The Joint Conference and Field Research organized by the GFMC and the Russian Federal Forest Service Rosleskhoz and the National Aerial Forest Fire Center Avialesookhrana in the frame of the German-Russian Forest Fire Task Force and the UNISDR Regional Eurasia Wildland Fire Network (UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Forest Fire), with
(a) Scientific Conference Post-Fire Natural Regeneration of Forests in Siberia and
(b) revisit of the Bor Forest Island Fire Experiment of 1993; Krasnoyarsk, Bor Forest Island, Russian Federation.
A fifty scientists specialized in forest protection and regeneration from Russia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Ukraine attended the International Scientific Conference and Field Experiment entitled Second International Fire Management Week 2013: Post-Fire Natural Regeneration of Forests in Siberia and 20 Years Bor Forest Island Fire Experiment (1993-2013).
The participants presented the results of scientific research on the fire ecology of forests in Siberia and other regions of the world. Main attention was given to the role of natural and prescribed management fires on the dynamics of forest development, with emphasis on the regeneration of forests and other ecosystems after fire.
The conference was held on the ship «M.Y. Lermontov» cruising Yenisei River between Krasnoyarsk-Yeniseisk-Yartsevo township. The participants of the conference visited forest plots that had been affected by fires in the past to evaluate the dynamics of forest regeneration. Special emphasis was given to a visit of the Bor Forest Island where in 1993 a large fire experiment was conducted to be followed by a 200 years research period (1993-2193).
- Second International Fire Management Week, Agenda (RUS) (PDF, 290 KB)
- Second International Fire Management Week, Agenda (ENG) (PDF, 217 KB)
Publications of the Bor Forest Island Fire Experiment
At the conference the Director of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), coordinator of UNISDR Global Wildland Fire Network, Professor Johann G. Goldammer (Germany), presented the book entitled Prescribed Burning in Russia and Neighbouring Temperate-Boreal Eurasia. The book was prepared by an international group of scientists. The book summarizes the last two decades of work in the field of prescribed fire and post-fire forest regeneration. This scientific work demonstrates the profound scientific and technical experience in the use of fire in forests and includes the results of the first two decades of research on Bor Forest Island.
- Recommendations of the Second International Fire Management Week Post-Fire Natural Regeneration of Forests in Siberia (Russian and English) (PDF, 122 KB)
Media reports:
- Media reports about the International Fire Management Week (Russian and English, to be completed successively) (PDF, 2,4 MB)
- Film-I about the Second International Fire Management Week (flv, 16 MB)
- Film-II about the Second International Fire Management Week (mp4, 32 MB)
- Film-III about the Second International Fire Management Week (mp4, 1,41 GB)