Wildland Fire Training Center Africa

     Wildland Fire Training Center Africa

            An activity within the UNISDR  and AfriFireNet

Now hosted at the Working on Fire National Fire Training Academy

The Wildland Fire Training Center Africa (WFTCA) was founded as a joint venture project between the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) and local capacities in the Republic of South Africa  in September 2002. The concept of the Training Center was born at the foundation meeting of the Regional Subsahara Wildland Fire Network (AfriFireNet) in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, July 2002.
The Training Center cooperates closely with the FAO.

Prescribed Burning 

 Fuel Management 

Community Involvement

The WFCTA offers training- and education opportunities for a wide range of fire managers, fire management trainers and extension officers from all African countries south of the Sahara and for international guests, with exposure to large scale prescribed burning operations and fire fighting.

Training Materials



Training Courses

       Short Courses

  • Basic Firefighting

  • Conservation Fire Management

  • Prescribed Burning  

  • Proto Teams

  • Advanced Firefighting (Fire Boss level 1,2,3 and Crew Leader)

  • Aerial Attack

  • Incident Command System

  • Wildland Fire Investigation 

  • Integrated Fire Management 

  • Community Based Fire Management

  • Fire Modeling 

  • Fire Monitoring 

Concerning specialized courses and training please contact the adress given below.


For further details concerning the courses, dates and locations please do not hesitate to contact the address given below.

Training is organized according to international standards through international experienced instructors and the GFMC.
In addition a training course „Aerial Attack” is offered in cooperation with the local Forest Fire Association (FFA). 

Training courses provide basics for planning of…

 National Round Tables on Fire…

…and National Fire Management Strategies

The Wildland Fire Training Center Africa is located at Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. Training will have a strong practically orientated approach, as there are big areas with different vegetation types available for practical training (farmland, savanna, bush, commercial forestry plantations, National Parks). Several thousand hectares of wildland and plantations are avialable for large-scale practical training execution of prescribed burning and fire fighting.

The WFTCA is a unique facility on the African continent for capacity building, training and education of a wide range of people, from a basic firefighter to national and international policy makers. A major aspect of the Center is its interactive knowledge- and technology-transfer within Africa and on an international scale. The safety and efficiency of firefighting and fire management can be improved dramatically and thereby contribute to reduce the impacts of fire on humans, natural resources, infrastructures and property.


Further Information and Contact:

Alexander C. Held
Regional Subsahara Wildland Fire Network
Club Road, Nelspruit old Air Field  
Nelspruit 1200

Tel:      +27-13 7417340
e-mail: alex @ wof-int.com 


Mr. Fred Favard
National WoF Training Academy


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