Regional South East Asia Wildland Fire Network

A region of the Global Wildland Fire Network

  Regional Wildland Fire Early Warning and Monitoring

Early warning and monitoring of land-use fires, wildfires and smoke-haze is conducted by a number of institutions inside and outside the ASEAN region. The institutions listed in the following provide near-real time or periodic early warning and fire monitoring information. The websites allow access to more detailed national / subregional wildland fire information:

Early Warning of Wildland Fire Danger

Regional South East Asia Fire Danger Rating System (SEA FDRS)
The regional fire danger rating system is a joint effort between the Canadian Forest Service and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), incooperation with the Malaysian Meteorological Service (MMS). Daily updated SEA Fire Danger Rating can be downloaded on the following MMS website:

Indonesian Fire Danger Rating System
The Indonesian fire danger rating system is part of the SEA FDRS

Malaysia Fire Danger Rating System
The daily fire danger rating system for Malaysia is provided by the Malaysian Meteorological Service

Fire Danger Rating for East Kalimantan, Indonesia
The East Kalimantan Fire Management Agency (former Integrated Forest Fire Management – IFFM project in East Kalimantan) provides regularly updated fire danger rating charts on the basis of the Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI):

South Sumatra Fire Danger Information
The South Sumatra Forest Fire Management Project based in Palembang (South Sumatra) provides daily forest fire occurrence and weather information: and with additional fire location map (derived from MODIS Rapid Response System)

Indonesia National Weather Forecast Center of the BMG (Bureau of Meteorology and Geophysics)

Malaysian Meteorological Service

HAZE Online
HAZE Online has been coordinated by the ASEAN Secretariat to provide information related to fire and haze in the region. They also provide daily FDRS maps generated by MMS and LAPAN.

WWF Indonesia and PFFSEA launch ‘Fire Bulletin’
Press release on weekly analyses and information bulletin for early warning (the project has been terminated)

Regional and National Monitoring of Land-Use Fires and Wildfires

Fire Monitoring in East Kalimantan and adjoining Provinces
The East Kalimantan Fire Management Agency (follow-up of the Integrated Forest Fire Management [IFFM] project) is providing regularly updated NOAA AVHRR derived maps showing active wildfires and land-use fires burning in East Kalimantan and adjoining Indonesian provinces on Borneo island: longer updated)

Singapore National Environment Agency
Under “Meteorological Services / Haze Monitoring”: Daily fire activity maps and maps with surface winds, smoke-haze patterns and active fires.

South East Asia Fire Monitoring by ANDES
The Asia Pacific Network for Disaster Mitigation using Earth Observation Satellite (ANDES) provides daily fire maps of mainland and insular South East Asia.

Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing (CRISP, National University of Singapore)  and

Forest Fire Prevention Management Project 2 in Indonesia (the project has been terminated)
The Ministry of Forest and Estate Crops in Indonesia and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) operate a website that includes daily and monthly maps of fire locations in Indonesia depicted by NOAA AVHRR and cloud maps derived from the geostationary satellite HIMAWARI.
(no longer updated)

Fire Watch Indonesia
The Indonesian Ministry and Forestry (MoF), Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) and Ministry of Environment in cooperation with AusAid develop a fire monitoring system for Indonesia based on the system developed by Landgate Australia. They provide near-real-time hotspot map derived from Terra and Aqua MODIS: (MoF Server) or (LAPAN Server)

Conservation International (CI)
n cooperation with MODIS Rapid Response System and Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) Maryland University, CI has developed an e-mail alert system for hotspot monitoring at 3 important biodiversity region, i.e. Indonesia, Madagascar and Bolivia+Peru. For email registration see the following web:

SEARRIN – Southeast Asia Regional Research and Information Network
SEARRIN is a regional network that fosters collaborative efforts in fire monitoring and management in Southeast Asia. SEARRIN is a contributor to the Global Observation of Forest Cover/Global Observation of Landcover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) programme.

General Regional Fire Monitoring

ASEAN Haze Action Online
The ASEAN Haze Online website provides all regional links to early warning, monitoring and situation report sources, including the media.

GFMC South East Asia Regular Fire and Weather Updates
The GFMC provides three times per week a regional update on fire early warning and monitoring, using all available resources within the ASEAN region. These updates are available also on the archive within “Current and Archived Significant Global Fire Events and Fire Season Summaries” (the archived information is available since October 1998):

(click on “South East Asia”)

Fire Information for Resource Management System (FRIMS)
For fire or hotspot monitoring, I found the service from FRIMS is the most comprehensive. They provide hotspot information through email alerts system, downloading GIS file, MODIS imagery subset and Web GIS. You may choose and select your area of interest:

UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UN-OOSA)

United Nations Regional Workshop on the Use of Space technology for Disaster Management for Asia and the Pacific – Bangkok, Thailand, 11-15 November 2002


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