Regional Southeast Europe / Caucasus Wildland Fire Network

A Region of the Global Wildland Fire Network

Eastern European, Near East and Central Asian States Exercise on Wildland Fire Information and Resources Exchange (EASTEX FIRE 2005)

Photo Gallery

Opening ceremony addressed by General Boyko Borisov, Chief Secretary of the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior (Editorial remark: After EASTEX FIRE 2005 Mr. Boyko Borisov was elected and served as mayor of Sofia between 2005 and 2009 and Prime Minister since 2009) and General Kiril Michailov Voynov, Director, National Fire and Emergency Safety Service, Bulgaria.

Delegation of the Republic of Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)

Delegations of Serbia and Montenegro, and Greece

Delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Delegation of Romania

Delegation of Turkey

Delegates of the GFMC and the Regional SE Europe Wildland Fire Network

Exercise ongoing

Exercise ongoing

Exercise ongoing

Exercise ongoing

Exercise ongoing

Exercise ongoing

Exercise ongoing

Simulation of arresting an arsonist

Generals Boyka Borisov and Kiril Voynov with GFMC and Regional Network representatives Johann G Goldammer and Nikola Nikolov

Turkey dispatched the only fire crew wit female staff

Closing ceremony – roll call of international participating units

Closing ceremony addressed by General Boyko Borisov

EASTEX FIRE 2005 wine (1998 Merlot, Haskovo and Stambolovo Wineries, Bulgaria)


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