Pan-Asia Wildland Fire Network

Pan-Asia Wildland Fire Network Secretariat

A Cluster of Four Regions of the Global Wildland Fire Network

The UNISDR Pan-Asia Wildland Fire Network Meeting 2013 was held in Korea Forest Research Institute, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 23-25 October 2013. The meeting was hosted by the Korea Forest Research Institute (KFRI) and supported by the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) and the Korea Forest Service (KFS). The establishment of the UNISDR Pan-Asia Wildland Fire Network to support international cooperation in wildland fire management in the Asia region has been suggested by the Korea Forest Service at the 4th International Wildland Fire Conference (IWFC), Spain, 2007. At the preparatory meetings of the Pan-Asia Network in 2009, 2011 and 2012 the establishment of the Pan-Asia Network was agreed upon by the four coordinators of the Regional Wildland Fire Networks of the Asia region. They concluded that:

The Pan-Asia Wildland Fire Network is a cluster of the Regional Wildland Fire Networks of Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and Central Asia, representing 21 countries in the region. The secretariat has been established at the occasion of Pan-Asia Wildland Fire Conference in Republic of Korea in 2013. Future conferences will take place in 4-yearly intervals scheduled half-way between the IWFCs.

Participants of the Foundation MeetingInauguration of the Secretariat of the Pan-Asia Wildland Fire Network – Signing Ceremony

Networking Activities

ASEAN-Republic of Korea Forest Cooperation (AFoCo) Focus in 2014
The ASEAN-Republic of Korea Forest Cooperation (AFoCo) organized an International Thematic Workshop on Forest Disaster Management in Southeast Asia: “Challenges and Way Forward in Forest Fire Management” and a Training Course “Training of Trainers on Forest Fire Management” in Seoul, 16-23 September 2014, in the frame of activities of the UNISDR Pan-Asia Wildland Fire Network.


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