Regional Northeast Asia Wildland Fire Network
Pan-Asia Wildland Fire Network Secretariat
A Region of the Global Wildland Fire Network
International Thematic Workshop on Forest Disaster Management in Southeast Asia: Challenges and Way Forward in Forest Fire Management and Training Course Training of Trainers on Forest Fire Management
The ASEAN-Republic of Korea Forest Cooperation (AFoCo) organized an International Thematic Workshop on Forest Disaster Management in Southeast Asia: Challenges and Way Forward in Forest Fire Management and a Training Course Training of Trainers on Forest Fire Management in Seoul, 16-23 September 2014, in the frame of activities of the UNISDR Pan-Asia Wildland Fire Network.
- AFoCo 2014 Workshop and Training Course Agenda (PDF, 0.5 MB)
- AFoCo 2014 Workshop and Training Course Certificates (PDF, 3.8 MB)
Group of Trainees from ASEAN member states and instructors from the UNISDR Regional Wildland Fire Networks SE Asia, South Asia, NE Asia and Central Asia, and GFMC
AFoCo Photograph Exhibition “Efforts Against Forest Disasters”