Regional Central Asia Wildland Fire Network

A Region of the Global Wildland Fire Network

Wildland Fire Management Activities

Mongolia- prescribed burning techniques and implications

The First International Central Asian Wildland Fire Conference “Wildland Fires in Natural Ecosystems of the Central Asian Region: Ecology and Management Implications” (2-6 June 2008, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia) was addressed the most pressing issues of wildland fire management in Mongolia and neighbouring countries. It has been followed by the demonstration experiment of the use of prescribed fire. Since, that time several legislation issues were developed and use of prescribed fire is greatly appreciated by the agencies dealing with wildland fire management in the country.

Photo impression of the firebreak creation along the Mongolian-Russian border territory in Batshireet and Dadal sum of the Khentii province, Mongolia. The burning was conducted in 2011 by local and national firefighters. The firebreak size was 30 x 40 m wide and 120 km long.


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