Regional Central Asia Wildland Fire Network
A Region of the Global Wildland Fire Network
Regional Central Asia Wildland Fire Consultation
and Central Asia Wildland Fire Management Study Tour
Irkutsk, 8-9 September 2005
Photo Gallery
Welcome Address by
Maslov, Andrey Semenovich
Opening speech by
Goldammer, Johann Georg
Introduction to the meeting by the Chair
Kondrashov, Leonid G.
Discussion under the guidance of
Maslov, Andrey Semenovich, and Zhigalov, Nikolai Yurievich
Presentation of the Mongolia country report by
Olzvoi, Shinenchultem
Presentation of forest fire science in Mongolia by
Chuluunbaatar, Tsevee-Oiroy
Presentation of the Russia country report by
Davidenko, Edward Pavlovich
Presentation of the Regional NE Asia Wildland Fire Network by
Kondrashov, Leonid G.
Presentation of the South Korea country report by
Kim, Dong Hyun
Representative of the Korean Forest Service
Lee, Kyoung il
Presentation of methodologies in wildland fire danger rating by
Sofronova, Tatiana Markovna
Representative of the Mongolia-German (GTZ) Forestry Programme
Enkhtur, Dagva
Awarding the pin of Avialesookhrana by Eduard P. Davidenko to
Daneev, Alexei Vasilievich
Group photo of meeting participants in the exhibition Hall, East-Siberian Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs, Irkutsk
Forest fires West of Baikal Lake, as depicted by MODIS on Terra, 9 July 2003, 4:15 UTC. This region was target of the study tour.
The forest burned between May and July 2003 (total area: 60,000 ha, with crown fires on 15,000 ha) are subjected to high mortality of Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica) due to the extreme fire severity
The complete consumption of the duff layer / raw humus layer reveals the extremely dry conditions prevailing in mid of 2003 in Irkutsk Oblast.
Participants of the study tour discussing with the local foresters
Besides extended forest area burned some villages were also affected by the wildfires of 2003.
Regeneration of the burned forests is extremely slow due to the lack of natural regeneration sources and limited budgets for forest rehabilitation.
Remnants of fire lookout towers – which have never been set up due to the lack of funding for fire prevention and preparedness in Irkutsk Oblast.
Group photo of the study tour in Maloe Goloustinskae forest district