Fires in China
Fires in China
20 May 2009
Smoke over Northeastern China
Wildfire smoke blew across Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, and northeastern China on 18 May 2009. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASAs Aqua satellite captured this true-color image the same day.
Blue-gray smoke forms diagonal lines running from northwest to southeast. The larger plume is on the west, and that plume appears to widen and thicken near the Bo Hai coast. Although the sources of these smoke plumes dont appear in this image, they probably originate near the Siberia-Mongolia border. Both natural and human-caused fires in Siberia are common in the spring and summer, as an image fromwestern Siberia illustrates.
The large image provided above is at MODIS maximum spatial resolution (level of detail) of 250 meters per pixel.
(source: earth observatory)