Fires in Mongolia

Fires inMongolia

10 April 2009

In 2009 the forest fire season had an early start in Mongolia. Dry weather during the late winter / early spring favored the spread of grass fires into steppe and mountain forest ecosystems. On 9 April 2009 massive smoke pollution from forest and steppe fires covered Mongolia’s capital Ulaanbaatar (Ulan Bator). The satellite images of today of Mongolian territory and neighboring Russia, and the last two days show the first fire activities along the border between Russia and Mongolia.

Wildfires burning in Mongolia as depicted by the Information & Computer Center (ICC) of Mongolia on 10 April 2009. Source: April 2009 (MODIS)

Wildfires burning in Mongolia as depicted by the Information & Computer Center (ICC) of Mongolia on 9April 2009. Source: burning in Mongolia as depicted by the Information & Computer Center (ICC) of Mongolia on 8 April 2009.

For more information on Fires in Mongolia see: 

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