Fires in USA

Fires in the USA

8 May 2009

According to the latest news, the wildfire raging near Santa Barbara jumped a highway early this morning, bringing flames dangerously close to heavily populated areas and forcing the evacuation of an estimated 30,000 residents.

More than 2,300 firefighters are battling the fire, which ignited Tuesday and then roared into a blowtorch on Wednesday fuelled by hot, dry winds. It has razed or damaged 75 homes so far. Firefighters managed to contain 10 percent of the 2,739-acre blaze.

11 firefighters were injured, including three who were burned when they sheltered in a house during a firestorm.

Latest MODIS image

Residual smoke from the wildfire in Santa Barbara County, California has made its way 500-700km south into the Santa Barbara Channel. The dense smoke plume moved to the south and began to fan out southeastward, over the Santa Cruz Island as can be seen in these 4 image captions from the GOES-11 satellite taken at 2230 ~ 0030 UTC on May 5-6, 2009.

IMAGE D6140: GOES-11 <> Image Type=combine <> 5/6-7/2009 22:30-00:30 UTC.


Evacuation Status Map of 8 May 2009:


The current situation in the USA is covered by a number of detailed reports (see GFMC Media web page):

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