Fires in Mexico

Fires in Mexico and Central America

16 April 2007

In the northwestern corner of Guatemala, mostly intact tropical forests flanka wide swath of land that people have cleared for agriculture. During the dryseason, which runs roughly from February-May, both accidental and intentionalfires are common. This image from the Moderate Resolution ImagingSpectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite from 11 April 2007, shows scores of fires (locations marked in red)burning in the agricultural areas of Guatemala and to the west, in the state ofChiapas, Mexico.

11 April 2007

The large image provided above has a spatial resolution (level of detail) of250 meters per pixel, and it shows a wider part of Mexico, including the YucatanPeninsula, and Central America.

(source: EarthObservatory)

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