Fires in Spain and Portugal

Fires in Spain and Portugal

15August 2006

In northwestern Spain and Portugal, numerous fires raced across dry forestland at the beginning of the third week of August 2006. When the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite passed over head on 13 August, the sensor detected more than a dozen active fires (outlined in red) on the Atlantic Coast of the Iberian Peninsula.

13 August 2006

The photo-like image on the left is paired with a shortwave- and near-infrared-enhanced image on the right. In the false-color image, burned areas stand out as deep red marks compared to the bright green of unburnedvegetation. Areas of sparse vegetation, such as cities or arid locations, appear in shades of pinkish-tan togray. Within some of the fire perimeter outlines, a bright pink glow is visible. This bright glow often indicates open flame at the time of the satelliteoverpass.

The high-resolution images provided above have a spatial resolution of 250 meters perpixel.

(source: EarthObservatory)

See also following articles

See also:

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI):

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite also enhanced the  image from 13 August 2006 by including the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) which is strongly correlated to surface temperatures and surface moisture status.

ECPC Fire Weather Forecast: 

The GFMC displays selected and daily updated  Experimental Climate Prediction Center (ECPC)  Fire Weather Forecasts for Europe. These examples allow a quicklook and provide daily and weekly total forecasts. For background information refer to the ECPC products description page.

FWI forecast for the next 60 hrs

FWI forecast for the next week

Surface temperatures forecast for the next week

Precipitation amount forecast for the next week

Relative humidity forecast for the next week

Windspeed forecast for the next week

(Source: ECPC Fire Weather Index Forecast)

The forecast indicates no extreme fire danger for Galicia. The current fire danger, however, is due to unusually high day temperatures, low precipitation and low relative humidity

Formore details on fires in Spain:

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