Fires in Australia

Fires in Australia

22 December 2006

Fires in Northeastern Tasmania

According to news reports, more than a dozen houses burned insmall towns along the east coast of Tasmania when bushfires hit the island inDecember 2006. Like Victoria,to the north, Tasmania has been experiencing extreme fire conditions, with hottemperatures and gusty winds. This image from the Moderate Resolution ImagingSpectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terrasatellite shows a large fire burning south of St. Marys on December 13. Placeswhere MODIS detected actively burning fire are outlined in red. A plume of smokespreads southeast from the blaze over the Tasman Sea.

13 December  2006

The high-resolution image provided above has a spatial resolution of 250meters per pixel. 

(source: EarthObservatory).


The current situation in Australia is covered by a number of detailedreports (see GFMC Media web page):

Further Information on the Fire Situation in Australia:

SA Country Fire Service  Near-Real Time Wildland Fire Monitoring  Current weather situation, forecasts, fireweather More Information on Australian Fires IFFN country notes Department of Sustainability and Environment

Tasmania Fire Service

Further Information Australian and New Zealand links. Background information Recent Media Highlights on Fire, Policies, and Politics



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