Fires in Victoria, Australia
Fires in Australia
14 December 2006
Information obtained from the Sentinel Fire mapping system provides the following fire location data in Australia for 14 December 2006.
Red Flame Symbol = Hotspots Last 12 Hours
Yellow Flame Symbol = Hotspots 12 to 24 Hours
Sentinel Fire Mapping is a mapping tool designed to provide timely fire location data to emergency service managers across Australia. The mapping system allows users to identify fire locations that pose a potential risk to communities and property (Source:
Fires in Victoria
A river of smoke more than 250 kilometers wide flowed northwest across theVictoria-New South Wales border on December 12, 2006, when the ModerateResolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASAs Terra satellite passed over headand captured this image. Bushfires had been burning in the Great Dividing RangeMountains for nearly two weeks. Places where MODIS detected actively burningfire on this day are outlined in red. Its likely that additional fires thatcouldnt be detected through the very thick smoke were burning in the areaeast of Lake Eildon. According to news reports, army bulldozers were arriving inthe area to construct fire breaks in the watershed area north of Lake Thomson,which provides a significant portion of Melbournes water supply.
12 December 2006
The high-resolution image provided above has a spatial resolution of 250 meters perpixel.
(source: EarthObservatory).
The current situation in Australia is covered by a number of detailedreports (see GFMC Media web page):
- Cool night aids firefighters (published by, 14 December 2006)
Melbourne chokes on fire haze (published by, 14 December 2006)
Bushfire threatens properties near Tumut (published by, 14 December 2006)
- Sparks are flying (published by, 14 December 2006)
Volunteer fireys safe from workplace dismissal (published by, 14 December 2006)
Australian PM Surveys Wildfire Damage (published by, 13 December 2006)
Bushfire situation worsens in Australia (published by, 13 December 2006)
Fire moves closer to Tas east coast town (published by, 13 December 2006)
Empty forests blamed for crisis (published by, 13 December 2006)
Logging would cut bushfire risk: Abetz (published by, 13 December 2006)
Three states fire alert – charges laid, firefighter has heart attack (published by, 13 December 2006)
Asian haze impacts on Australian rainfall (published by, 12 December 2006)
Homes hit by Australia bush fires (published by, 12 December 2006)
Town in shock after Tas homes lost (published by, 12 December 2006)
Long hours for NZ firefighters in Victoria (published by, 12 December 2006)
Hills fire contained after home destroyed (published by, 12 December 2006)
Further Information on the Fire Situation in Australia:
SA Country Fire Service Near-Real Time Wildland Fire Monitoring Current weather situation, forecasts, fireweather More Information on Australian Fires IFFN country notes Further Information Australian and New Zealand links. Background information Recent Media Highlights on Fire, Policies, and Politics