Fires on Cape Barren Island

Fires on Cape Barren Island

16October 2006

On 13 October 2006, the Moderate Resolution ImagingSpectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terrasatellite captured this image of fires burning in a long line across southernCape Barren Island, south of Australia. Places where the sensor detected activefire are outlined in red. 

13 October  2006

A long plume of smoke widens out to the east over the Tasman Sea. According to the daily bushfire summary report from the Tasman Fire Service on 16 October, two fires—each about 39,000 hectares (96,371 acres)—were burning on Cape Barren Island. Neither was considered controlled.

The high-resolution image provided above has a spatial resolution of 250 meters per pixel.

(source: EarthObservatory).



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