Fires in Kazakhstan

 Fires in Kazakhstan

4 October 2006

GFMC analysis: According to the Remote SensingLaboratory of the Sukachev Institute for Forest in Krasnoyarsk (RussianFederation) the total land area affected by fire in Kazakhstan in the 2006 fireseason is 551 799 ha (3 October 2006).


Latest satellite scene from MODIS: 


3 October 2006
13:05 hrs UTC
(Image courtesy MODIS)

click on scene for a 500m resolution


This Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image from 3 October 2006, shows several large fires burning in the steppes to the north of Lake Balkhash. Fire locations that MODIS detected are marked in red.

The extremely continental climate of central Kazakhstan creates vast steppes with a generally dry climate and great temperature extremes between winter and summer. In this part of Kazakhstan, winters are cold and short, and summers are long, hot, and dry, thus in the summer, the possibility of out-of-control fires is high, due to both lightning and human activities, such as intentional pasture fires that escape. These grassland fires cause considerable damage each year to hay and cereal crop production in the region.


Eurasian Experimental Fire Weather Information System
The system has been developed by forest fire researchers from Canada, Russia and Germany is displayed on this website starting 18 July 2001. Complete information and a set of daily fire weather and fire behaviour potential maps covering Eurasia (the Baltic Region, Eastern Europe, countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Mongolia) can be accessed at:

Example of the Eurasian Experimental Fire Weather Information System:
Latest map of the Experimental Fire Weather Index (FWI) for Russia and neighbouring countries, please note the high FWI for Kazakhstan.

Fire Occurrence Maps of the Fire Laboratory of the Sukachev Institute of Forest, Krasnoyarsk
Selected fire occurrence maps, satellite images and a forest fire danger map are prepared daily by the Russian GFMC correspondent Dr. Anatoly Sukhinin, Fire Laboratory of the Sukachev Institute of Forest, Krasnoyarsk, in collaboration with the Emergency Situation Monitoring and Forecasting Agency, Krasnoyarsk branch. The maps are produced on the base of satellite data (classification by the NOAA AVHRR). They show the fire locations (by latitude and longitude) and the area affected by fire (red signature, size in ha). The red arrow at each fire location points to the nearest populated place. 

Latest maps maps showing fire activities of  3 October 2006 in Kazakhstan (selection)


For moredetails on fire in Kazakhstan:



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