Fires in Peru

Fires inPeru

05September 2005

Evaluation of Fire Situation:

Current media information:

GFMC situation report:

Concerning the current fire situation in Peru, communication has been held between the GFMC, the Environmental Emergencies Section in OCHA, the National Civil Defense Institute (INDECI) and the peruvian focal point of the Regional South America Wildland Fire Network.

The geographic location of the fire problem refers to: Región Junín – Provincia Satipo – Distritos Mazamari, Río Tambo, Río Negro and San Martín de Pangoa – Zonas Quiteni, Puerto Unión, Palmeras, Meteni, Samaniato, Puerto Ocopa, Quirichari, Chamiriari, Los Angeles, Puerto Porvenir, Cachingari, Santo Domingo, and Reserva Comunal Ashaninka, Apurimac, Vilcabamba – along rivers Ene and Perené.

The current problem in this area reflects the typical situation where the expansion of the agricultural front into lands that until now have been less affected (e.g. because of the steep terrein) is associated with the use of fire as a land clearing tool. Unfortunately these daily burnings, associated with fires getting out of control, represent a creeping environmental disaster.

Problems in the region are encountered concerning the altitude, the steepness of the terrain, as well as fisical and technological limitations.

On 31 August INDECI released a detailed situation report. Due to the extension of the fires (30.000 ha) and the advance rate of 50 – 100 ha per day, INDECI is considering a request of support to OCHA.

Calling for aircraft support should however be carefully evaluated. Since aircraft alone (without very targeted dispatch AND ground support) will have very limited effects, it should be considered the ultimate solution if other resources cannot manage the fires. Main aspects to consider include problems in mountain terrain and smoke situation in valleys.

Overview Map:

Latest satellite scenes showing fires burning in eastern Peru:

On 4 September fires are burning along the borderlines between Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. In the lower left corner of the satellite image fires have been detected in Peru at Puerto Maldonado.

Border triangle Peru-Brazil-Bolivia

AERONET Río Branco Subset
04 September 2005
Aqua Satellite

(Source: MODIS / AERONET / Río Branco Subset)

Latest NOAA images:

Source: CPTEC / INPE

Source: CPTEC / INPE

For further information see also:

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