Fires in Portugal


16August 2005

Fires continued to burn across dry woodlands in Portugal in mid-August 2005. High temperatures (40 degrees Celsius, 104 degrees Fahrenheit) are adding to firefighters’ difficulties in controlling the blazes, which have burned off and on in central and northern Portugal since July. This image of the region was captured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite on August 16, 2005. Active fire locations have been marked with red dots. A large fire is burning in the Estrela Mountains in the center of the scene, creating a sheet of grayish smoke that fans out to the east.

16 August 2005
13:10 hrs UTC
(Image courtesy MODIS)

True colour: Bands 1-4-3

False Colour: Bands 7-2-1

The links provide a 500m resolution for both scenes

The infrared-enhanced image makes burned areas (deep reddish brown) stand out from healthy vegetation (bright green) and water (dark blue). Clouds appear bright blue.

(Source: Earth Observatory)

For more details on fires in Portugal:

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