Fires in Spain
Fires inSpain
25 July 2005
GFMC summary:
The provincial government of Valencia declared level 3 for fire risk alert, which means extreme fire danger for the interior of the province of Valencia and the north of Alicante. Steady winds from the south-west and temperatures up to 39°C are expected for today.
The Spanish Government announced the declaration of the area affected by a forest fire that caused the death of 11 fire fighters near Guadalajara as disaster area. The fire destroyed more than 12 000 hectares (ha) of pine woodland east of Madrid.
Latest satellite scenes showing fires and fire affected areas in Central Spain:
On 25 July 2005, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASAs Aqua satellite captured a view of the forest fires (marked in red) that were burning at several locations in drought struck Spain.
24 July 2005
13:05 hrs UTC
(Image courtesy MODIS)
The links provide a 500mresolution for both scenes
The left image is a photo-like image in naturalcolours, while the right image has been enhanced by including MODISobservations of infrared light. In the false colour scene, vegetation is brightgreen, clouds are light blue, and the burned area is magenta. Bright pinkindicates areas that were actively flaming at the time.
For more details see also:
- Satellite Evaluation of the forest fires in Guadalajara, Spain, July 2005 (by Laboratorio de Teledetección CIFOR INIA Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia) (PDF, 3.5 MB)
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI):
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)on NASAs Aqua satellitealso enhanced the previous image from the 24 July 2005 by including theNormalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) which is strongly correlated tosurface temperatures and surface moisture status.
Click on scene for a 2km resolution
ECPC Fire Weather Forecast:
The GFMC displays selected and daily updated Experimental ClimatePrediction Center (ECPC) Fire Weather Forecasts for Europe. Theseexamples allow a quicklook and provide daily and weekly total forecasts. Forbackground information refer to the ECPCproducts description page.
FWI forecast for the next week
Precipitation amount forecast for the next week
Surface temperatures forecast for the next week
Relative humidity forecast for the next week
(Source: ECPCFire Weather Index Forecast)
Theforecast indicates no extreme fire danger for Central Spain and the Pre-Pyrenees. Thecurrent fire danger, however, is due to unusually high day temperatures, lowprecipitation and low relative humidity
Satellite-derived vegetation health map:
The general stress situation ishigher this year as comparedto 2004.
(Source: NOAA/NESDISCurrent Vegetation Health Image Maps)
For moredetails on fires in Spain:
- Recent news from the Media
- Statistical database for Spain