Fires in Cuba

Firesin Cuba

09 April 2005


Latest satellite images:


Aqua satellite

08 April 2005

18:15 UTC

NASA image courtesy the MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center 



Fire Consumes Three Hundred Hectares of Cuban Forest

Havana, 9 April 2005 (Prensa Latina) – As many as 372 hectares of woodland were consumed by a fire in Las Ochentas coastal ecosystem and nearby areas in Santa Lucia beach resort, in the Cuban eastern province of Camaguey, it was revealed Saturday.
The fire, extinguished a few hours ago by the combined action of the forest ranger service, and the region´s Forest Enterprise and Defense Council, remained active and unseen for six days, as it originated in an area with caves and reefs, experts revealed.The local forest ranger corps informed the magnitude of the forest fire has no precedents in the territory, adding the necessary means and forces remain activated to timely detect and control possible reappearance of flames.
Corresponding investigations are being made to determine the causes of the incident.
Source: Prensa Latina


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