Guatemala Fire Emergency Assistance Request, 27 June  2001

Fire Activities in Guatemala 

 1May  2003

Latest Satellite Image:

The latest satellite image covers only the lower part of the red frame in this overview map.

Fires in Mexico and CentralAmerica
Southern Mexico (left and center), Guatemala (below center), El Salvador(bottom, right of center), Honduras (lower right), and Nicaragua (lower rightcorner) are blanketed with smoke from hundreds of fires (marked with red dots)burning in the region on 30 April 2003. These fires have been burning off andon for two months, periodically sending smoke northward across the Gulf ofMexico toward the southern U.S. The high-resolution image provided above is 500meters per pixel. The MODIS Rapid Response System provides this image atMODIS’ maximum spatial resolution of 250meters.

Source: MODIS


Smoke is visible in this GOES-12 image from fires burning in Mexico and Guatemala. The smoke (indicated by the yellow arrows) is visible drifting northward over the Gulf of Mexico.
Source: OSEI

WeatherForecast for Petén (Flores) for the next days:
the nextdays will bring clouds but no major rainfall.

There isno SITREP available from CONRED (Coordinadora Nacional para Reducción deDesastres). For SITREPS of the March 2003 fires see:

GFMCUpdate 1 May 2003

On 25April 2003 the GFMC has alerted UN OCHA/UNEP Environmental Emergency Sectionabout the situation in Guatemala and Nicaragua. OCHA’s Response CoordinationBranch has contacted United Nations Resident Coordinators in Guatemala andNicaragua concerning the possibilities of international technical assistance.Bilateral assistance from Mexico was received, see:


Latest Media Reports (Prensalibre)

1 May 2003

Forest Fires Under Control. Out of the47 forest fires burning in Petén last week only three fires continue to burn.Eight hours of rains helped to extinguish. Low pressure and more rains will easethe situation <GFMC short summary>

Incendios forestales bajo control

Por : Crista Kepfer

De 47 incendios que afectaron a Petén la semana pasada,ayer sólo quedaban activos tres, los cuales están bajo control.

Así lo indicóArturo Lemus, coordinador del Sistema Nacional de Prevención de IncendiosForestales, Sipecif.

“Ayer lloviódurante ocho horas, y esto ayudó a detener los incendios en un 70 por ciento enel norte de Petén”, dijo en conferencia de prensa Carlos Cáceres, ministrode Ambiente y Recursos Naturales.

Pese a que aúnno ha llegado el invierno, ayer por la madrugada cayeron fuertes aguaceros.

El Institutode Sismología, Vulcanología, Meteorología e Hidrología informó que se debena sistemas de baja presión, y que se prevén más lluvias para los próximos días.

Source:Prensa Libre


Earliersatelliteimages and other information of the fires in March 2003:

SeeGFMC updates between 21 and 25 March and from 18 April to date:

21March 2003:

22 March 2003:

23 March 2003:

24 March 2003:

 25 March 2003

18 April 2003: 

19 April 2003: 

22 April 2003: 

23 April 2003: 

24 April 2003:

25 April2003:


Basic Information about Petén

Figure1. Areas of forestfire control responsibility in Petén, Guatemala. Source: 
Comisión de Incendios Forestales de Petén.

Figure2. Topographicfeatures of Petén, Guatemala. Source: Comisión de Incendios Forestales de Petén.


Figure3. Wildland firesusceptibility map of Petén, Guatemala. Legend of susceptibility: 
Green = low; yellow = medium; red = high. Source: Comisión de Incendios Forestales de Petén.

Figure 4. Raod map for Petén. Source: Sistema deInformación para las
Áreas Protegidas de Petén (SI PETEN)


Figure 5. Language map for Petén. Source: Sistema de Información para
las Áreas Protegidas de Petén (SI PETEN)


Health Guidelines for Vegetation Fire Events
Information on protection of people from vegetation fire smokecan be found in the guidelines document. Please enter the document through theGFMC portal at:

Regional Mesoamerica Wildland Fire Network: Regional andnational widland fire status reports
The website of the regional Mesoamerica network contains a largenumber of national and regional analyses on wildland fire, including thesituation in Petén, Guatemala:


Sistema Nacional de Prevención y Control de Incendios Forestales(SIPECIF)


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