Introducing the Fire Research Institute
Previously known as Fire Research Institute, its name was changed in 2022 to Wildland Fire Research Institute (WFRI). It was founded in 1983 to benefit research in fire across the globe. WFRI is a not-for-profit wildland fire library. The library’s internet site has two components: a search engine for bibliographic searches and a search engine to locate persons, according to their activities in wildland fire, throughout the world. Anyone interested can access the library databases and can perform real-time searches without charge. The library supports itself through donations of funds and library materials. Any person requesting may receive a monthly email update to the bibliographic database without charge.

Please contribute to the Library’s Collection and Databases
FRI would be grateful for bibliographic citations that you have on wildland fire. These citations may include your own work or any titles dealing with wildland fire. FRI also would be grateful for copies of your journal papers, dissertations or other materials on wildland fire. Donations made from the U.S. are tax deductions, and a letter acknowledging your contribution will be mailed to you. Anyone sending library materials should arrange in advance for a refund for shipping expenses.

History of the Library
The Fire Research Institute’s library was founded in 1983 and operated as such for several years. In 1991 the library was loaned to the International Association of Wildland Fire (IAWF) and operated in conjunction with IAWF’s many other projects until January 2000. Now, WFRI again has control of the library.

Director, Wildland Fire Research Institute
943 W Lynwood Ave
San Antonio, TX 78201

E-mail: Director@fireresearchinstitute.org
Tel:      +1-210-459-5591.


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