International Wildland Fire Assistance
Exercises for Enhancing Preparedness in Cross-boundary Cooperation in Landscape Fire Emergency Cooperation
International Agreements | Satellite Data | Operators and Equipment | Exercises
In addition to bilateral and multilateral agreements for cross-border landscape fire emergency assistance, several regional exercises have been conducted. The exercises included the planning of multi-national response scenarios by the administrations concerned, as well as the deployment of specialized wildfire response units across borders.
- The Baltic Exercise on Fire Information and Resources Exchange 2000
(BALTEX FIRE 2000), Finland, June 2000 - NATO Partnership for Peace (PfP) Forest Fire Exercise, Croatia, 21-24 May 2002
- GFMC contribution to the NATO Partnership for Peace (PfP) Forest Fire Exercise, Croatia, 21-24 May 2002
- European Forest Fire Exercise, Bouche-du-Rhône department, France, 18-20 April 2004 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Eastern European, Near East, and Central Asian States Exercise on Wildland Fire Information and Resources Exchange – EASTEX FIRE 2005
This exercise was held in accordance with the recommendations of the Conference on Forest Fire Management and International Cooperation in Fire Emergencies in the Eastern Mediterranean, Balkans and adjoining Regions of the Near East and Central Asia, Antalya, Turkey (30 March – 3 April 2004). The exercise took place in Bulgaria, Haskovo Region, Republic of Bulgaria, 20-22 April 2005, with the participation of the Fire Services of the Republic of Bulgaria (host country), Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, and Turkey, supported by the Global Fire Monitoring Center. - GFMC / OSCE /ENVSEC Advanced Seminar in Wildland Fire Management (Antalya, Turkey, March 2010)
- GFMC / OSCE /ENVSEC Regional Fire Management Training for the South Caucasus and Western Balkans (Antalya, Turkey, October 2014)
- GFMC / REEFMC / OSCE bilateral fire emergency response exercise between Belarus and Ukraine in the frame of the project Improving radiological and environmental awareness in territories affected by the Chernobyl accident in Belarus and Ukraine with a focus on wildfire management (Gomel Oblast Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, Gomel, Belarus, May 2018)