Western Hemisphere (Americas) Half-Hourly Fire Update (GOES Satellite)

Australia Near-Real-Time Wildland Fire Monitoring

The Firewatch map service provides emergency services personnel with an online map application to help in the management of bushfires over Australia. Datasets include fire hotspots from MODIS and NOAA imagery, Landsat and MODIS satellite imagery, burnt area maps since 1997, greenness images updated daily and weekly, lightning data and other useful map layers:

Geoscience Australia “Sentinel”
The Geoscience Australia “Sentinel” bushfire mapping website, formerly hosted by CSIRO, is a freely accessible internet-based mapping system, customized to provide time-critical fire location data for strategic and tactical use by emergency service managers and the public.
Depending on cloud cover, active fires (high-temperature events) are detected several times a day across Australia from orbiting satellites, and posted on the Sentinel website in under one hour of satellite overpass, allowing users to identify and zoom into possible fire locations that pose a potential risk to their rural and urban communities and property. Users can create and print their own customized maps, and relevant emergency agencies can directly download hotspot detections as text or shape-files to their in-house WebGIS systems.

The mapping website can be accessed using a standard web-browser at:

Contact Sentinel@ga.gov.au for access to the actual hotspot data.

North Australian Fire Information (NAFI)
The North Australian Fire Information (NAFI) system – developed by the Tropical Savannas Management Cooperative Research Centre – covers tropical Australia (Queensland). Near-real-time active fires are displayed on maps. Fire scars are processed and uploaded about every 10 days for each of the four regions above.
The “Hotspot Notification Service” gives an option of receiving an email alert every time satellite sensors detect a burning fire (a high-temperature event) within a given area. For example, an area of interest can be selected, and every time a fire is detected by satellites to be within this area an email notification will be transmitted. This saves having to continually visit the NAFI site.

The NAFI website can be accessed at:


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