GFMC: Fires in Mongolia , 27 March 2001


27 March 2001

Avialesookhrana from the National Forest Fire Centre of Russia provides up-to-date NOAA images for the whole of the Russian Federation and neighbour territories. The NOAA AVHRR satellite image composite of 26 March 2001 shows fire activities in Mongolia.

click to enlarge (295 KB)

NOAA 12 & 14 AVHRR composite of 26 March 2001, 14:38 GMT.
The red squares indicate regions of active fires. For details the GFMC readers are encouraged to
use the hyperlinks provided by Avialesookhrana, the Aerial Forest Fire Protection Service of the
Federal Forest service of Russia. (Source: Avialesookhrana cloudiness maps)

The Institute for Solar Terrestrial Physics, Irkutsk, publishes daily fire observations (High-Temperature Events) depicted by the NOAA AVHRR sensor on the territory of the Russian federation and the neighbour territories of China and Mongolia (within the range of the receiving station). The institute provides daily fire occurrence summaries, 10-days fire summaries (accumulated fires during the last ten days) and a fire season total summary.

click to enlarge (30 - 35 KB)

click to enlarge (35-40 KB)

27 March 2001

Season summary
up to 27 March 2001

Between 1991 and 1999 the Global Fire Monitoring Center published eight reports on the fire situation in Mongolia. These reports cover general descriptions of the natural and socio-economic conditions determining the occurrence of fires in the country, reports on multilateral cooperation in wildland fire management, and use of remote sensing technologies. The reports are published in International Forest Fire News (IFFN) and contain statistical information on wildland fire.
See also earlier Mongolia wildland fire information: “Mongolia: Multiple Extreme Events”, 18 July 2000.

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