Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan and Uzbekistan 

(26 August 2002)

The fire season in Kazakhstan is at its peak. The following satellite images of 23 and 25 August 2002 show fire activities in the South of Kazakhstan (S of Lake Balqash and East of the capital Almaty) 

In Kyrgystan several fires are depicted in the Western Turkistan region. Agricultural fires in Uzbekistan are depicted in the Eastern part of the Fergana Valley.

Latest Satellite Images:

23 August 2002
Source: MODIS

25 August 2002
Source: MODIS

Map showing the area of fires depicted by MODIS on 23 and 25 August 2002. ©Source: Encarta Interactive World Atlas

For more information on forest fires in Kazakhstan: See International Forest Fire News (IFFN) No. 24 (April 2001)

