Forest Fires in Canada

8 September 2000

The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) distributes information about forest fires in Canada.
The current fire situation for 7 September 2000 can be summarized as follows (for detailed information see the Canadian Daily Fire Situation Report):

over the last 24 hours: 17 new fires for 79  hectares
season summary: 5,040 fires for  hectares

CIFFC National Situtation Report (4 September 2000)
The month of August has been one of busiest ever at CIFFC. With over 1300 Canadian personnel, 300 MK 3 pump kits, 625 sprinkler heads and other equipment, coming from all over Canada, this has been the largest mobilization to the United States in CIFFC history. We currently have 668 personnel in the US, with some demobilization taking place tomorrow. With current weather conditions in the US, mobilization from Canada has diminished. Personnel that had been mobilized to British Columbia has been returned back to the lending agencies and with the cooler temperatures and precipitation, the forest fire season in Canada is slowly coming to an end.


National Forest Fire Situation Report (30 August 2000, updated every Friday)
Rain and cooler weather across much of the country reduced the area burned this past week. The number of fires was near normal for this time of year, but the area burned was very small. Risk is low across most of the country due to rain over the past week expected to continue in moist regions for the next few days.

Number and area of forest fires in Canada, as of 30 August 2000

current uncontrolled controlled active modified
4 310 118
(to date)
in %
of normal
Number 4,959 7,681 65% 41
Area (ha) 539,757 2,408,562 22% 7,881


The Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System is a part of the Canadian Wildland Fire Information System and consists of six components that account for the effects of fuel moisture and wind on fire behavior. The first three components are fuel moisture codes and are numerical ratings of the moisture content of litter and other fine fuels, the average moisture contentof loosely compacted organic layers of moderate depth, and the average moisture content of deep, compact organic layers. The remaining three components are fire behavior indexes which represent the rate of fire spread, the fuel available for combustion, and the frontal fire intensity; their values rise as the fire danger increases. For futher information please see the Summary Information.

The latest available images are shown below (7 September 2000):

click to enlarge (30 - 40 KB)
Fine Fuel Moisture Code
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Duff Moisture Code
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Drought Code
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Initial Spread Index
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Buildup Index
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Fire Weather Index
click to enlarge (30 - 40 KB)
Fire Danger Rating


The Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System is an other part of the Canadian Wildland Fire Information System and provides quantitative estimates of head fire spread rate, fuel consumption, fire intensity, and fire description. With the aid of an elliptical fire growth model, it gives estimates of fire area, perimeter, perimeter growth rate, and flank and back fire behavior. For futher information please see the Summary Information.

The latest available images are shown below (7 September 2000):

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Foliar Moisture Content
click to enlarge (30 - 40 KB)
Surface Fuel Consumption
click to enlarge (30 - 40 KB)
Rate of Spread
click to enlarge (30 - 40 KB)
Total Fuel Consumption
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Head Fire Intensity
click to enlarge (30 - 40 KB)
Fire Type


The Saskatchewan Daily Forest Fire Situation Report (7 September 2000) is listing all forest fires currently burning in Saskatchewan and their current status. This report also gives statistics on the total number of fires to date. The whole report and further information can be accessed at the fire management website of "Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management" (SERM).

fires burning in the province today: 4
extinguished in the past 24 hours: 1
new fires: 0
total number of fires to date this year: 400
total up to this date last year: 723
five year average for this date: 693


Wildfire Statistics Report, 6 September 2000

Number of Fires Burning: 50
Number of New Fires (Lightning): 0
Number of New Fires (Human Caused): 3
Total Lightning Fires: 944
Total Human Caused Fires: 543
Total Fires to Date: 1,487
Total Area Burned (ha): 16,183

click here to enlarge (10 - 20 KB)

Fire Danger Rating for British Columbia, 7 September 2000.
(Source: British Columbia Forest Service)
