GFMC: Fires in Brazil and Neighbouring Countries, 13 February 2001
Fires in Brazil and NeighbouringCountries
13 February 2001
The Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) provides daily updated satellite imagery on fire events in Brazil and neighbouring countries. The latest NOAA 12 satellite derived fire product is shown below.
INPE-DSA Fire product (NOAA 12), 12 February 2001
(Source: INPE-DSA)
The Center for Weather Forecasts and Climate Studies (CPTEC) – of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) is the gateway of Brazil to high quality meteorological forecasts. The computer system receives information derived from Meteosat and GOES satellites, meteorological observational data from GTS Network of the WMO (World Meteorological Organization) and from the Brazilian Network which is under the responsability of INMET (Ministry of Agriculture). Aditional information comes from the DEPV (Air Force), DHN (Navy), state meteorological centers and from other international centers. The Brazilian satellite (SCD-1) collects important environmental data and information for the meteorological research at INPE. For further infomation see CPTEC/ INPE, “fire risk”.
Predicted fire risk maps for Brazil: 13 and 14 February 2001.
For real-time fire-weather forecast: see: special meteorological bulletin (in Brazilian-Portuguese)
for the Deforestation Arc (states of Acre, Rondônia, South of Amazonas, North of Mato Grosso,
Southeast of Pará, Central and Northern Tocantins, and East of Maranhão)
(Source: CPTEC).
Fire in Amazon Rain Forests: Some General Remarks