4th Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference

4th Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference
17-19 May 2011
Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A.

The theme of this conference will be “Managing Oak Woodlands & Savannas in the Forest-Prairie Region”. The conference will feature 16 invited presentations and additional offered posters by scientists and managers on a wide range of topics including:

The 4th Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference will be held at the University Plaza Hotel in Springfield, Missouri. The Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference is a major symposium focused on fire in oak forests, woodlands and savannas where noted experts in research and management gather to present state-of-the-art information, perspectives and synthesis on key issues. The conference is held once every three to five years with the most-recent conferences held in Carbondale, Illinois (2008), Columbus, Ohio (2005), and Richmond, KY (2000). This symposium will emphasize topics relevant to management of oak-dominated forests, woodlands and savannas and will be a great interest to managers, scientists, landowners, consultants and students.

The theme of this conference will be “Managing Oak Woodlands & Savannas in the Forest-Prairie Region”. The conference will feature 16 invited presentations and additional offered posters by scientists and managers on a wide range of topics including:

  • Restoring oak woodlands and savannas in the Cross Timbers Region, the Ozark Highlands, and Midwestern landscapes

  • Natural and fire history of the Ozark Highland Region

  • Human history, culture, and fire-use in the Ozark Highland Region

  • The history and current use of fire in natural resource public agencies in the Midwest

  • Patch grazing in woodlands and savannas to simulate the role of large ungulates

  • Ecosystem services and climate change adaptation

  • The role of fire in the southern Appalachian Region during the Holocene

  • Fire effects on bats and reptiles

  • Managing woodlands and savannas for songbirds

  • Invasive species in woodland and savanna restoration

  • Wildlife habitat restoration and maintenance

There will be a day of speakers, a field trip day, followed by a final day of speakers. See the Program and Field Trip pages for more information.

Conference Website: http://muconf.missouri.edu/easternfire/




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